Treat my boy

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Chapter 13 :

" Hyung ... Suho hyung .... "

Kyungsoo slowly wake up his leader. Suho open his eyes slowly. He see everyone already wake up.

Suho : Did i sleep too much?

Sehun : No hyung, we just wake up early.

Suho : Wait! Did we have any schedule today?

Baekhyun : Hyung .. Whats wrong? Are you forget? Today we have to go to company to hear about our winter album.

Kai : You look so tired hyung. Are you okay?

Suho : Oh im okay, im sorry let me take a shower first.

Chen : Its okay hyung, we are not late. Slowly okay?

Suho : thankyou.

Suho run to his bedroom he take a shower, others member also getting ready to go to company.

Lay : Chanyeol ah, why you sleep in suho's room last night?

Chanyeol : Oh ...

Sehun suddenly come and he call for chanyeol.

Sehun : Chanyeol hyung! Faster faster.

Chanyeol : Oh okay! Im coming, lay hyung. Lets go.

Chanyeol ignore the question. He feel so grateful that sehun's call him.


They had a meeting with their companies, they discuss when will they shoot the music video and will the album out.

Chanyeol : Manager hyung after this we doesnt have any schedule right?

Manager : Yes, you guys can go back to dorm. Yixing will go back to china tonight.

Suho : tonight? Hyung can i treat them after this.

Manager : Okay but you guys have to go back early! Okay?

Suho : Ofcourse, yixing need to rest too.

Chanyeol : Guys!!! Suho hyung want to treat us !!

Suho : Ya chanyeol ah! I didnt say anything..

Chanyeol : But i hear it from manager hyung.

Lay : Seriously? Lets go!

Xiumin : as expected our leader the best.

Suho bring them to suho's favorite restaurant. They treat them for today.

Kai : Suho hyung thankyou for the treat. But why so suddenly?

Kyungsoo : why are you asking kai ya?

Kai : no im just curious.

Suho : I just want to treat you guys today. And yes Yixing gonna go back to china tonight. So we should eat together.

Chen : Really hyung? Ya! Lay hyung why dont you tell me. I dont want to sleep alone...

Lay : Sorry guys i thought i want to inform you guys tonight...

Xiumin : hey how could you ....

Suho : Yixing ah, What time you will go to airport?

Lay : 3am i need to go early.

Suho : Oh Okay i will wake you up.

Lay : No no i will wake up by my self.

Baekhyun : why so early lay hyung?? By the way Chen shi .. You want to sleep with me?!

Kyungsoo : No! You guys dont ever sleep together.

Chen : ah why?!!

Xiumin : You guys so noisy!

Kai : Xiumin hyung is right.

Yixing suho and d.o laugh because what xiumin's said.

Baekhyun : hyung .... Wait, why our maknae sehunnie so quiet today?

Suho : Sehun ah.. Are you okay?

Sehun : Im okay hyung, i just tired and sleepy.

Suho : Serious? Should we go back now?

Sehun : Uhm


Suho : Lay ah, go take a shower and rest okay?

Lay : Dont worry hyung, i will.

Suddenly sehun walk in front of suho, he look so bad mood. He doesnt talk with anyone he go to his rooms.

Kai : suho hyung. Whats wrong with sehun? He not talking too much today. Its weird.

Xiumin : Suho shi, you want me to ask him?

Suho : No i will talk to him, thankyou xiumin.

Xiumin : Dont worry too much suho, i know sehun is okay. He just need time maybe?

Suho : Okay xiumin ...

They rest in dorm and the dorm become quiet.

First of all yes im sad about kaistal couple, yes i love krystal i love kai but its hard for me. But jongin ah, for your happiness i will always support you :) i ship kaistal but its take time to heal my heart.

And yeah i will stop update until 12april okay? I will sit for final exam wish me luck!

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