My heart's hurt

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Chapter 15 :

[EXO Dorm]

Chanyeol walk in front of sehun's room. He see that sehun still not sleep even its already 2.30 am. He enter the room at seat beside sehun.

Chanyeol : Sehun ah, are you not sleeping yet? Where is suho hyung?

Sehun : No hyung im not sleepy. He going to send Lay to the airport.

Chanyeol : Ey, whats wrong? I see you bad mood from the morning. Have any problem? Tell me..

Sehun : Aniya .. Hyung..

Chanyeol : Uhm? Why?

Sehun : To be honest .... I ..

Chanyeol : Dont tell me are you dating someone. Just dont.

Sehun : No!!! Last night ... I ...

Chanyeol : you ... Its not like i think right sehun ah?

Sehun : uhm hyung, i hear what you talk with suho hyung. My heart ... My heart is hurt ....

Chanyeol : Is that why you bad mood from the morning?

Sehun : Whenever i see suho hyung face, i feel hurt. I miss kris hyung luhan hyung and tao too, but the most hurt is see suho hyung ... He pretend like nothing happen because he doesnt want us to worry about him. My heart really hurt hyung ...

Chanyeol : I know, i know its hurt. You know what sehun ah?

Sehun : What?

Chanyeol : i really happy because we debute in this group and with suho, Yes for the first time we cant see his leadership, but day by day he show us thats why we still here stand here yes because of our hardwork but if not because suho stay strong for us guide us we cant go like this. Remember? The day he cover us on stage when we cant on stage because of kris departure? That time ... I feel like exo are his everything he love exo so much more than his self. So, what we can do now just to protect him and be happy for him listen to him.

Suddenly xiumin enter the room.

Xiumin : Youre right chanyeol ah, lets protect him.

Chanyeol : Oh xiumin hyung ...

Sehun : Let us protect him right? So i should reply to the bad comments about suho hyung!

Xiumin : Aniya! Before you reply.. Think first sehun ah, your reputation?

Sehun : I dont care . I dont like people talk a bad thing about my hyung ....

Xiumin : Yes i know, if you reply your reputation will down and company will blame the group. And the one who will getting scold from company not only you but suho too. He responsible in everything. So please sehun ah .. Chanyeol you too okay?

Chanyeol : Xiumin hyung is right .....

Xiumin : Im your hyung i will protect you guys include suho. So please dont be like this okay? Chanyeol ah sehun ah can you hear what hyung said?

Sehun : Uhm hyung, thankyou ..

Xiumin : Thats my maknaee let me hug both of you..

Xiumin hug chanyeol and sehun to comfort them.

Sehun : Oh wait.. Why suho hyung is not here yet? Its already 3.30 am. Why he so late.

Chanyeol : let me call him!

Xiumin : Aniya .. Let me call him okay? You guys should sleep now.

Chanyeol : hyung can we sleep after you call him?

Sehun : Please hyung..

Xiumin : Aigooo. Okay arraseo!

Xiumin call suho in front of his maknae. The call keep ringing but suho doesnt answer the phone. Xiumin suddenly feel so worry about suho. He try to call again. And finally suho pick up the phone.

Suho : Oh xiumin ah. Why?

Xiumin : Ya! Why dont you answer my first call?!

Suho : Oh im sorry ...

Xiumin : Where are you? You should come to dorm right now its already late.

Suho : Hm im at han river .. Xiumin ah ...

Xiumin : Ah okay i understand! Please drive safely okay?! Take care. Dont worry the kids already sleep.

Suho : Thankyou .. Annyeong!

As soon as xiumin end the call he told sehun and chanyeol to sleep.

Sehun : Where are suho hyung?

Xiumin : He on the way back, dont worry! Lets sleep i will accompany you while waiting him back.

Chanyeol : Im not sleepy should i wait him?

Xiumin : No! Please sleep i told him that you guys already sleep i dont want him to worry about you guys.

Sehun : Arraseo i will sleep now.

Chanyeol : Me too, goodnight hyung.

Xiumin : Nae.

Xiumin feel so sorry because he have to lie to sehun and chanyeol. If he told the truth they will worrying about suho. He also said in his mind " Suho ya ... I know you need to be alone.. I wish you will be okay " .

P/s : I think all my chapter is sad xD

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