You need our protection

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Chapter 9 :

Suho : ya! You just feed me the porridge? Where is the water?

Chanyeol : hey hyung... Are you act like baby now?

Suho : Of course , hahaha are you jealous?

Lay give the water to suho. Suho drink that water.

Sehun : Hyung cant be a baby!! Because i am a baby. Cute baby handsome baby manly baby.

Lay : Sehun ah ..

Chanyeol : Sehun ah ....

Suho : Sehun ah ..... 

Threee of them look each other and they look at sehun face. Sehun feel so embarrassing so he close his face with his both hand and suho, lay and chanyeol laugh because he feel sehun is so cute.

Suho : our baby is so cuteeeee!!

Lay : Baby ah ....

Chanyeol : Sehun baby ah .....

Sehun : ya hyung!!!!!!

D.O suddenly knock the door.

Chanyeol : Oh kyungsooo ah, wanna join?

Kyungsooo : Ya!! Get out now, let suho hyung get some rest.

Suho : Hahahaah kyungsoo ya dont be so mad.

Kyungsoo : Aniya, suho hyung have to get some rest now.

Lay : thats right , sehun ah chanyeol ah, lets get out.

Sehun : Okay .. Suho hyung sleep well!

Chanyeol : Get well soon so we can laugh happily again.

Suho : Okay thankyou guys.

Suho rest in his room he take a nap very long. He sleep until evening. Xiumin knock the doot of suho's room. He come to wake up suho.

Xiumin : Suho ya, wake up. Suhooo. Junmyeonn ah wake up please.

Suho slowly open his eyes after he hear xiumin's voice.

Suho : what time it is?

Xiumin : Its already 6.00 pm.

Suho : Ah i sleep for too long, why dont you wake me up early?

Xiumin : its okay we want you to get some rest. Now go take a shower and lets gather in the living room.

Suho : Okay xiumin shi.

Suho take a shower. He get ready to go out to the living rooom but then kai just enter the room.

Kai : Oh suho hyung you already get ready? Are you feeling better now?

Suho : Ofcourse! I feel that im getting better now.

Kai : Good! Lets gather in the living room hyung.

Suho : Wait?! Its that something importan going to happen?

Kai just put his hand on suho's shoulder and drag him out. They go to the living room. And sehun see suho appears.

Sehun : Oh suho hyung!!! You know what? Lay and xiumin buy us chicken & pizza!!

Suho : Ya lay xiumin! You just buy for them not for me?

Lay : Hyung we buy for you not for them. Hahahaha

Kyungsoo : Sehun ah, stop it. Its suho hyung's food.

Kai : But i want it too!

Sehun : Suho hyung! Sharing is caring right?!

Chanyeol : little maknae just stay still please.

Suho : Hahahahah okay okay lets eat together. But where is baekhyun?!

Kyungsoo : He taking a shower.

Suddenly Baekhyun appears.

Baekhyun : I am here!! Im getting ready for eat!

Xiumin : Hahaha baekhyun is already here. Lets eat guys!!

Suho : Wait why you all eat so fast. You guys eat like you guys doesnt eat for one weeks!

Baekhyun : Hyung we hungry hyung.

Sehun : Ya chanyeol hyung!! Feed me feed me.

Chanyeol feed a chicken to sehun. And he take a slice of pizza and give to suho.

Suho : So what are you guys going to do after eat?

Chen : Movie time?

Lay : Aniya! aniya! Lets watch our perfomance together!

Xiumin & kai : Okay!

Sehun & Kyungsoo : Call!

Chen & Chanyeol : Yeayy!

Baekhyun : Lets watch!

Suho just smile towards them because he think thats his members is so adorable.

Suho : Okay guys, lets just finish eating first.

Lay : Okay hyung!

They continue eating without a words.

Chanyeol play the growl videos and video awards that they get in 2013.

Suho : If only if ..... I can protect them ..... We can be together forever ....

Lay : Hyung ....

Chanyeol : Suho Hyung ... I didnt mean to bring back that memories ....

Suho : Its okay, im happy to watch this video. Even my two brother and one little brother left, i wish you guys will stay with me ...

Sehun : Suho hyung ... Please i never leave you...

Baekhyun : Even people blame you for what happen , i'm here the one who trust you a lot.

Chen : You protect us more than you protect yourself....

Suho : I will protect you guys as long as i can because exo is everything to me ...

Xiumin : But sometimes ... Let us protect you too.

Kyungsoo : You are our guardian but you need protection too.

Suho : Oh! Suddenly i want to cry!

Lay : .....

Kai see lay crying and he go to lay. Suho was shock when he see lay suddenly cry ... He change his seat with kai...

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