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Chapter 19

One weeks later,

EXO get ready to go to HongKong for MAMA awards 2015. They prepare well for the perfomance.

[On the plane]

Suho sit with sehun, Xiumin sit with chen, Kai sit with chanyeol while Baekhyun sit with kyungsoo. Baekhyun suddenly turn his head to talk to suho.

Baekhyun : Hyung, how i wish Lay hyung will join us. Its gonna be have fun if we perform on the stage together.

Kyungsoo : But he cant attend, Its so sad.

Suho : We cant do nothing, he cant attend with us.

All of the exo members hope lay will perform with them at mama 2015, but when suho told them that they have to perform without Lay. The mood is changed.

Chanyeol : Hyung! Why fans keep tweet the preview that lay hyung go to hongkong?

Suho : Oh uhm, Lay hyung going to beijing not hongkong he have filming there. The fans must be confuse.

Kai : Oh arraseo.

They already arrive at hongkong, the fans waiting for them at the arrival place. So many fans come to welcome exo. Suho sehun baekhyun and chanyeol in one car while kyungsoo xiumin chen and kai in other one car. They straightly go to the hotel.

As soon as they arrive at the hotel, they go to their room at level 5. They use the lift to go there. As soon as the lift's door open they see Lay stand in front of the door. All of them are shock except suho and xiumin.

Chen : Lay hyung!!!!

Kai : Oh Lay hyung!!!!!

Chanyeol : Hyung how can you are here? You said you cant join us?!

Lay : Who said i cant join you guys? Of course i will join!

Baekhyun : Wait! Did suho hyung know this...

Suho : I'm sorry guys, i and xiumin know this ..

Xiumin : But we want to do a suprise!

Sehun : Ey hyung!! How can you lie to us!

Sehun go to Lay and hug lay. Others members follow sehun and hug Lay. They seems like missing each others.

Sehun : I miss you Lay hyung..

Suho : I miss you yixing ah ....

Lay : I miss you guys too!!

And suddenly exo's manager come.

Manager : Ya! I know you guys miss each others. But can you all go to the room first?

Chen : Ofcourse hyung, its been a long time without Lay hyung ...

Manager : I know, but lets get some rest first. Because tonight we have to do rehearsal for tomorrow perfomance. Arraseo?

Kyungsoo : Arasseo hyung we will get some rest now.

All of them go to their own room. Like always sehun will share room with suho because he cant sleep alone. They take a short nap before doing a rehearsal.

[ At Rehearsal Venue ]

Suho : guys, lets do the best for rehearsal to get better perfomance for tomorrow. Arasseo?

Baekhyun : De, suho hyung.

Xiumin : Its okay to have a mistake but lets try to fix it together.

Suho : Thats right! Lay ah, dont worry i know you can follow our step slowly okay?

Lay : Arraseo hyung.

They do a rehearsal until 9.00pm. They trying so hard to practice with 9 members since before this they just practice with 8 members.

Lay : Ah i think i make a lot of mistakes.

Kai : No hyung, you doing perfect you follow us well.

Sehun : dont push yourself so hard hyung.

Xiumin : You already the best yixing ah..

Lay : guys, Thankyou so much!

Suho just smile watching their members support and comfort each others. He feel proud, even they have been separated from work they still together.

After they done the rehearsal they go back to the hotel. Everyone go to their own rooms to change clothes and take a shower.

*knock* *knock*

Sehun and suho hear someone knock the door. Sehun go to the door at open it. Lay stand in front of the door with a cute glare.

Lay : Can i come in?

Sehun : Of course hyung!

Suho : Oh Lay ah, why?

Lay : Nothing i just want to sit here and play here with sehun.

Suho : Ya! Only with sehun? Okay then, im going out now.

Lay : Hhahahaha ey hyung, ofcourse with you too! I just want to spend time with the members.

Suddenly baekhyun knock the door. Suho go to open the door.

Baekhyun : Ya! Are you having fun without me?

Suho : Hahahaha guys, its time to sleep not to play.

Sehun : But i want to play hyung!

Lay : Me too! Me too!!

Suho : Arraseo, i will go to check others members room. You guys dont be so noisy okay?

Baekhyun : Arasseo!!

Suho go to kai, xiumin, chanyeol and kyungsoo's room. He see that other members already fall asleep. He go back to his room. When he come to his room the atmosphere seems so calm. He feels so curious why they not being noisy.

Suho : Guys ... Why ...

Suho suddenly stop talking, he see lay sleeping on his beds. Sehun and baekhyun slowly told suho that lay already sleep. Suho suddenly smile.

Baekhyun : i think lay hyung very tired. He fall asleep so fast as soon as we play the movie, i will go back to my room. Goodnight hyung.

Suho : Oh Goodnight baekhyun ah.

Sehun look so sleepy, suho go to toilet to wash his face but when he go out from the toilet he see sehun also fall asleep next to Lay.

He slowly come near bed to approach them without make them wake up. He sit beside lay.

" Yixing ah... You must be tired filming and rushing to come here, i wish i can always give you a strength to face all of this. Thankyou yixing ah for always smile no matter what for always be strong for our side. Thankyou yixing for working so hard also our maknae sehun thankyou for always stay with me. Goodnight Yixing ah and my sehun "

Suho slowly pull the blanket and put at yixing and sehun's body. He smile while watching his dongsaeng sleep. He finally fall asleep at the sofa.

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