We want to take care of you leader

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Chapter 8 :

Chanyeol and d.o wake up early in the morning, they get ready for the breakfast.

D.O : Chanyeol hyung, can you wake up others members to get ready for breakfast.

Chanyeol : Okay, wait..

Chanyeol go to each room he wake up all the members, Baekhyun, Chen, Lay, Kai, Xiumin get ready for the breakfast. Last room that chanyeol go is sehun and suho's room. He wake up the maknae first and he slowly wake up his leader but suddenly chanyeol's got shock.

Chanyeol : Sehun ya!! Suho hyung!!

Sehun : Why?!!!

Sehun put his hand to suho's forehead he feel that suho's forehead is hot.

Chanyeol : His body is so hot! I think he get a fever.

Sehun : lets bring suho hyung to the hospital!!!

Suho wake up because of their voice.

Suho : i dont need to go too hospital, i just want to stay here. And one more thing please dont tell pur manager .... Please!

Chanyeol : But hyung we have to go to hospital!! We have to do a medical check up. Please hyung.

Suho : no, im okay i just need some rest..

Sehun : I am going to tell others members.

Sehun runs to tell others members that suho's got a fever and not feel well.

Chanhyeol : okay hyung, please rest well. I will cook some porridge for you.

Suho : Thankyou chanyeol ah ...

Chanyeol left the room for suho to get some rest. He look so worry about suho.

Xiumin : We need to bring suho to hospital!

Chanyeol : He doesnt want to go, he just want to stay in the dorms.

Kai : we neeed to take care of him.

Chen : Thats right, we have to look for him.

Chanyeol : Dont worry im doing the porridge for him.

Lay : Thankyou chanyeol ah.

They had a breakfast together, after they had a breakfast. They rest in the living room, but everyone keep quiet because he doesnt want to disturb suho.

Sehun : Chanyeol hyung... Did the porridge already coook?

Chanyeol : Yes, its time to give too suho hyung.

Sehun : Let me feed him.

Baekhyun : Oh maknae ya.. So sweet!

Everyone smile towards sehun's action. Lay follow sehun to the bed rooom.

Lay slowly wake up suho for feed him.

Lay : Suho hyung ... Hyunggg * Lay touch suho's shoulder * hyung .. Wake up its time to eat hyung.

Suho slowly open his eyes. Lay help suho to sit in comfortable positions.

Sehun : Hyung let me feed you!!

Suho : Ey. I cant eat by myself. Hahahaha i just get a fever my hand still can use it!

Lay : hey hyung.. Our maknae is so sweet he want to feed you. Just let him be.

Sehun : Lay hyung!!

Suho : Okay okay, just feed me now. I'm hungry.

Suho slowly feed the porridge to suho's mouth.

Suho : *sigh* i want to get well soon. Its so bored if i have to eat porridge everyday.

Suddenly chanyeol open the door.

Chanyeol : Suho hyung!!! Its that porridge taste so bad?!!!

Lay : Hahahaahaha the chef already mad.

Sehun : what to do suho hyung hahahaaha

Suho : Aniya!!! The porridge is tasty but i want to eat burger pizza and chicken!!

Chanyeol : Ey hyung! Just get well soon faster! Then i will buy it for you!

Suho : Really?!

Lay & Sehun : For me too!!!

Chanyeol : Just for suho hyung okay!

Suho laugh because of chanyeol, lay and sehun feel so happy that he can see their leader smile. Chanyeol end up sit in the bed room with them together.

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