Its not your fault

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Chapter 6 :

Suho : I'm sorry ..... I'm really sorry ....

Kai : Why suho hyung?

Baekhyun : are you sorry for this article?! ..... Am i right?

Baekhyun show his phone in front of suho.

Suho : You are right, I'm sorry for tao's departure.

Kyungsoo : what? Wait?!

Lay : That article is true?

Suho : Yes, Im sorry everyone i cant be a good leader for you. I'm sorry i cant protect him from leave this group.

Suho sigh at that moment, he feel so sorry. He thinks that all happen because of him.

Chanyeol : Aniya .. You dont have to be sorry. Its not your fault.

Suho : Its not tao's fault too, its his decisions i hope you guys can respect his decisions. I'm sorry guys ..

Chen : Yes, we accept it. But we cant accept that you blame yourself for this happen. Its not your fault.

Xiumin : Can you guys go to the bedroom? I need talk to suho. Please ...

Sehun : but hyung...

Xiumin : Please.....

All member follow what his hyung want, they go to their room. Not their own room but they all gather in one room.

Kai : Why did tao do this ...

Kyungsoo : Its not about why, its his decisions to do this but ..

Lay : But the most important thing is, suho hyung. He feel hurt even he not show it.

Sehun : thats right, im worry about him. He always pretend like nothing happen!

Baekhyun : what the worst thing is, people in the internet blame him for this happen!

Chanyeol : Im going to post it! Im going to stop them for talking bad of our leader. They know nothing!!

Kyungsoo : hyung! We cant do that ....

Lay : i ....

Sehun : I feel so bad for suho hyung, i need to protect him as much as he protect us.

Kai : you are right sehun ...

At living rooms xiumin try to slowtalk with suho.

Xiumin : Suho ya .... What happen ... I mean why did he leave ? Is that because kris and luhan left? Please tell me.....

Suho : I'm sorry i didnt know what the reasons is. What i know is tao's father want tao to stop from all the activities... I cant do anything, i cant slowtalk to him i cant. I cant do anything xiumin ah.

Xiumin : Dont say sorry, its not your fault. Please suho, i am here behind your back as your hyung.

Suho : thankyou xiumin, youre the one i can tell everything. I cant show my depression to others maknae i dont want them to see my sadness.

Xiumin : But sometimes you have to. You have to show it.

Suho : no, i cant. Xiumin ah, i want to rest. Can you  help me to take care of the members today?

Xiumin : ofcourse, * xiumin hold suho's hand* rest well suho ya, dont look at the internet or what. Just rest well.

Suho just smile to xiumin and he go to his bedroom. Deep inside in his heart he want to cry he want to scream but, he choose to keep it.

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