Leader Birthday!

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Chapter 22 :

Sehun wake up from the sleep and he see suho is not beside him. He feel weird, if suho want to go out he always tell sehun but this time he not telling him.

Sehun take a shower and go to living room. He see  chanyeol and kyungsoo watching television.

Sehun : Hyung, hyung, hyung, hyung.

Chanyeol : What?

Kyungsoo : Why sehun?

Sehun : Did you see suho hyung?

Chanyeol : He doesnt tell you that he going back to his parents house today?

Kyungsoo : Since tomorrow is his birthday so he just going to rest at his parents home.

Sehun : Why dont he tell me ........

Kyungsoo : He say that he doesnt want to wake you up since you look very tired.

Sehun : Oh okay hyung.

Sehun just go to his room, he feel sad because his plan to celebrate suho's birthday with the members break.

Chanyeol suddenly come to sehun's room. He see sehun look sad.

Chanyeol : Ya! Wanna go out tonight?

Sehun : Where? ....

Chanyeol : You know where right?

Sehun : Oh? .... SERIOUSLY?!

Chanyeol : Of course!!! Lets do v app too!

Sehun : OMG hyung you really know what i want.

Chanyeol just smile because he know how much sehun want to celebrate suho's birthday.


Sehun call suho's mom to ask a help from her.

Suho's Mom : Yes, sehunna why you call me?

Sehun : Mom, we will come later to celebrate suho hyung birthday. Can you help us?

Suho's Mom : Sure, i will let him stay in the bed room.

Sehun : Thankyou mom!

Sehun just call suho's mom like his own mom since he very very close to suho.

Chanyeol : 11 pm manager hyung ask us to wait at the lobby, he will send us.

Sehun : Hyung, just two of us?

Chanyeol : Yes, since others members busy and dont worry i prepare it all.

Sehun : As expected chanyeol hyung!

Chanyeol just smirk at sehun, Clock show its already 11 pm. Their manage come to pick up them.

Chanyeol start to play V App live to show fans how  they celebrate suho's birthday. But suddenly when their manager call suho ask that they do a v app. Chanyeol ended the broadcast because he doesnt want suho know about their plan.

Manager : Ya! You guys do the v app did you guys forget that the notification will appears?!

Sehun : Ahh hyung... We dont remember it.

Chanyeol : Its okay its okay as long as he not watch that video our plan still work.

They arrived at suho's parents house. They record for the V app again. Before that he message suho's mom to confirm it.

They go in suho's house and celebrate it.
(Like you watch it in V app)

After the LIVE V app ended, suho suddenly smile to them. He feel so happy that sehun and chanyeol come and celebrate his birthday.

Sehun : Ya hyung why you smile like that?

Suho : Because im so happy.

Chanyeol : ey! You not even suprise ....

Suho : But im happy you guys come here! Wait, how you guys will go back to dorm?

Chanyeol : I will call manager hyung to pick up us.

Suho : No no no, just sleep here okay?

Sehun : No hyung, its time for you to spend time with your family.

Suho : Its okay, you guys also my family. I will call manager hyung to pick up you guys tomorrow morning.

Chanyeol : Okay hyung, lets eat the cake now!!!

Sehun : Lets go!

Hi guys, sorry for not updated the story. Since its a long time im not update it so i just skip the stories to suho's birthday and will continue to write it back. Hope you guys like it. Sorry for the bad english! 😊

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