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Chapter 12

" Suho hyung ....... "

Suddenly suho hear someone voice, He shed his tears he doesnt want anyone to see him like that.
As soon as he turn back, he look chanyeol's is crying in front of the door. He go towards chanyeol.

Suho : Chanyeol ah, why?! Whats wrong, why are you crying my dear?!

Chanyeol : Suho hyung .... hyung ....

Suho : tell me, did i do something wrong? Please chanyeol ah, why?

Chanyeol : I dont even know, being a leader is hard like this ...... I cant see you like this ...

Suho : What do you mean chanyeol? Im happy with you guys. Its not hard for me.

Chanyeol : I know, I know kris hyung call you. I know you miss him i know you miss luhan i know you miss tao, we also did. But .... Hyung ... Seeing you like this is hard ....

Chanyeol keep crying, he cant stop. He feel so hurt when he see his leader crying alone and hide all the feeling alone.

Suho pull chanyeol to sit at the bed, & he hug chanyeol tightly.

Chanyeol : Its hard looking at you, its hard see you hide your pain. Its hard to see you crying alone! Its hard. No one know how much you in pain. Its hard to see it hyung!!!

Suho : Chanyeol ah, please stop crying you will wake others members. Please chanyeol ....

Suho try to ignore what chanyeol's said. He have no words to say he just stay beside chanyeol and hugging him.

Suho : Thankyou chanyeol ah ...

Chanyeol take a time to stop crying he crying in suho's arm. After he stop crying he fall a sleep at suho's shoulder. Suho keep comforting chanyeol, he rub chanyeol's back & he realize that chanyeol already sleep. He slowly put chanyeol's head on the pillow. And he go out to see others member.

He slowly walk to living room, he see others member is sleeping. But he look that sehun is not at his place.

Suddenly sehun appears from suho's back. Suho look at sehun's face.

Suho : Sehun ah ... Where are you going ..

Sehun : Im going to toilet hyung ...

Suho : really? ... Wait, whats wrong with your face. Why so red? Why you look so sad.

Sehun : no hyung im just tired i want to sleep.

Sehun try to ignore suho's question. He suddenly hug suho.

Sehun : hyung ... Im tired. Can i sleep now? Goodnight hyung..

Suho : Okay sehun ah, sleep well.

The fact that, sehun doesnt want to tell suho that he hear all the thing that chanyeol and suho talk in the bedroom.

Suho see his members sleep and he talk to his self.

' Kris ah ... I will take care of them. I wish you can take care of Luhan & Tao for me '

And he fall a sleep beside sehun.

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