We always with you

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Chapter 7 :

- At night in the dorm
They had a dinner together, the atmosphere in the dorm is very gloomy. Everyone silent not like always. Every members feel broke but he know their leader is the most hurt.

D.O : Hyung ... Are you okay?

Suho : Oh? Of course im okay! Ya! Why you guys so silent? You guys mad at me???

Kai : Why should we mad at you hyung!

Suho : Hahahahaah guys, lets eat and rest okay?

Chanyeol : Okay hyung.

Everyone finish their dinner and together clean the table and kitchen. But suddenly suho pull lay's hand.

Suho : After this can we talk?

Lay : Sure hyung.

After lay finish clean the table he going to his room to meet suho.

Suho : Oh lay ya... Come here.

Suho and lay sit face to face.

Lay : why hyung? Are you okay?

Suho : Sure I'm okay, how about you lay ah?

Lay : Why? Why you ask me? Sure i'm okay. We all worry about you hyung.

Suho : I am sorry Lay for everything that happens. I know you feel alone after all the chinese members left. I feel so sorry towards you.

Lay : No, you dont need to say sorry. Hyung please this is not your fault. Yes, i will feel alone. But, i have you i have others members. I know hyung always be there for us. I love you hyung i love others members. I want to heal your heart. I want you to be happy.

Suho : Lay ah ....

Lay : Hyung i know after this i will get more busy at china. Even fans will think i will leave this group, i promise i will stay. Hyung, even you are same age with me i will respect you as leader and my hyung. Go get some rest my leader ....

Chen knock the door because he want to enter the room to sleeep.

Chen : oh did i disturb you guys?

Suho : Aniya, we are done now. You can go sleep. I will switch off the lamp for you guys.

Chen : Hyung .... Himnaeyo! ( Stay strong )

Lay : Saranghaeee hyung.

Suho : De.. Gooodnight lay & chen ... Sweet dreams.

Suho switch the lamp for them and he close the door slowly. He walk to xiumin's room, he look xiumin already sleep so he close the door slowly and whisper ' xiumin ah ' . He go to anothers room, its kai d.o and Chanyeol and he see that d.o and kai already fall asleep but chanyeol still awake.

Suho : Chanyeol ah, why are you still awake?

Chanyeol : Hyung, I still not sleepy.

Suho : Okay, but dont sleep to late okay?

Chanyeol : Arraseo hyung. Hyung, gooodnight.

Suho : Goodnight too my chanyeol.

Suho go to living room to see baekhyun before he go to his own room. He see baekhyun still awake and play with his phone.

Baekhyun : Oh suho hyung you still awake?

Suho : I am going to sleep. When will you sleep?

Baekhyun : a few minutes soon hehehe. Hyung ... I will always beside you hyung..

Suho : I know .. Goodnight my baekhyun sleep well..

Baekhyun : de hyung ..

Suho go to his room and slowly open the door because he scare that he will wake up sehun. He also slowly go to near the bed. He see sehun's sleep. He slowly wipe sehun's hair.

Suho : Sehunnaaa... Now the maknae of exo is you and kai, hyung hope you will stay and always stay with hyung. hyung is sorry for being a bad leader.

Suddenly sehun's wake up and he sit beside suho. He hug suho with watery eyes.

Suho : oh i thought .. You already sleep ...

Sehun : Hyung, please let us protect you this time. Please dont scroll the internet or what please this time let us stay beside you and support you. We believe you suho hyung. Yes im hurt i lost tao the one who alwsys with me ... But You are strong enough you protect us. Very well hyung!! Nobody will understand what you have done to us...

Suho hug sehun with a speechless words..

Sehun : Thankyou for always stay strong for us. Please hyung if you want to cry , just cry i am here for you please ....

Suho's tears suddenly drop he cant hold it anymore. See his maknae cry make his heart more hurt.

Suho : Sehun ah .... Hold my pain is nothing even it hurt me. But see you cry like this make my heart's hurt more and more stop cry my sehun ah....

Suho wipe sehun's tears slowly.

Suho : Thank you sehun ah, my little baby already grow up. Thankyou for protect me, i will protect the members forever. I love you guys so much ...

Sehun : Suho hyung ....

Suho : stop crying lets sleep my boy.

After a hour they cry togethet and feel the pain together, sehun fall asleep at suho's shoulder. He put sehun's at the bed slowly .... And whisper toward him ' thankyou sehun ah.... Sleep well '

Chanyeol suddenly cry after he hear all the things that sehun and suho talk. He walk away to his room and lay on his bed. The words that he will think until he fall asleep is " How strong suho is to face all this problems " ..

I just write this based what i think. Thankyou for reading guys! 😍

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