400 years ago there was a small village named Temonia named after the queen at the time. There lived good town folks that kept Temonia up and running, but temonia was no ordinary town. For years they lived in fear because of the monsters and dragons...
walking through the underground streets rain water dripped down from up above us, this water must be coming from the surface mikasa says with her hand out feeling the cold rain drip from above. Few people were out at the time and most stores were closed when we where walking ," they probably have a closing time since they can't tell which time of day it is"yeah your probably right I replied". Lee why are we out here mikasa asked looking around, well I thought I sensed something familiar coming from this side of the city and I had to check it out. lee it doesn't feel safe out here, I know mikasa but I have to do this, okay I trust you. Few minutes passed and I stopped by a restaurant so mikasa could use the restroom, waiting outside I heard a wispier coming from around a corner slowly going to go check it out a hand grabs my shirt and pins me on the wall. Lee, it's me chang fong your brother the man say taking his raincoat top off Chang is it really you? I thought you died with mom and dad I seen the beast take you away there is no way. Lee when that beast took me I got away a man named Red saved my life but before I could thank him vanished and from then I hid down here but lee I am in big trouble you have to help me. "What happened" lee the reason your down here is because of me I am the beast your team came down here to kill. "What how is this possible" Lee I am just like you I can turn into a beast to only my transformation is not human a few days ago I broke into the hidden laboratory to find something. Then someone stabbed me in chest and my anger turned me into a beast and now every cop in the godforsaken city is looking for me lee you have to help me he said with the look of desperation in his eyes. Then mikasa called my name, "lee where are you" she must have just came out of the restroom but I couldn't let mikasa see chang or she would turn him in. Okay I will help you, meet me in the middle of town in twenty-four hours don't be late I said to chang before turning the corner. There you are, ware were you mikasa asked approaching me" just checking out the place" I replied with a frightened suspicious look on my face, but deep inside she knew I was lying. Then she looked at me in a way she never looked at me before, lee you know you can trust me right she said rubbing my face looking into my eyes," yeah of course" I replied back touching her hand. I knew she didn't be-leave me but we continued on and in a few hours we were there at the capital of Tianjin. Lee, mikasa you guys are finally here ying said waiting at the door, wheres yang and lisa mikasa asked well they went to have lunch with the Tianjin leader Wuhan then went to bed. Then why are you here I asked, well I couldn't go to sleep with the thought of you guys missing, aww how sweat mikasa said kissing ying on the cheek. Well, you should probably go to bed know I said padding him on the back, yeah your right O yeah let me show you guys to your rooms sorry the hotel is kinda full right now so you have to share a room. Arriving at the room looking inside we admittedly felt at home, taking off our wet close we decided to go take a shower, then returning to a nice silky bed and within a few minutes mikasa was asleep. Thinking about my parents I slowly joined her, finally putting my mind at peace.
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