Together We Stand

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Calling all slayers to the combat room Captain red said on the speakers intercom. Eight o'clock in the morning everyone walked into the room stretching and rubbing their eyes. All surprised to see armor surrounding us in all shapes and sizes smiles appeared on everyone's faces .''O sweet'' yang said running up to the wall, as we all did the same captain red walked in .'' How do you like it'' he said walking over to us, it's amazing I replied back.Well, you'll need it for the mission you guys are going on so strap up, and remember only equip yourself with things you really need. You don't want any extra luggage to slow you down,''yes sir we all shouted back. Two hours later....''let's go guys'' gen shouted, as we boarded the plane. With everyone equip with the best armor and weapons around, we were ready to kill any monster. Now we were finally in the air, mean while  captain red told us what we were going up agents. Somewhere far from the city there was a beast destroying numerous of homes and devouring the people who tried to protect it. That,s when we come in, mekasa will get the remaining knights of the battlefield, me and the brothers will handle the beast.Okay your target right under us gen yelled from the plane's cockpit. The back of the plane opened, hearing the cry's of war we knew there was no time to spare.With smiles on our faces, me as well as mekasa and the brothers ying and yang jumped from the plane, heading at light speed towards the surface. With all of us making great impact, yang took the first blow at the beast with his ultra fire blast and from there the true war began.

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