400 years ago there was a small village named Temonia named after the queen at the time. There lived good town folks that kept Temonia up and running, but temonia was no ordinary town. For years they lived in fear because of the monsters and dragons...
What the hell is going on here, what are they doing here I shouted, somehow sitting on the other side of the room was no other but yellow head zero and his teammate mina death stroke two of the most well-known hunters around. "Well well look who's here, the beast slayer and the lightning god mikasa scarlet, what brings you two here." Zero turns towards us with a grin on his face," well we were going to grab a bite to eat, but I guess were not welcomed here come on mikasa lets go. Hold on, how about you two come join us, it's the most I can do from my behavior at base camp it was a rough day and I took that out on you and your team. "So what do you say mikasa, it's a fine night for a double date" mina said with a smile, as those words hovered around in my head I took a look at mikasa's face and I knew she wanted to stay." what the hell why not" I laughed, really lee thank you so much mikasa kissed me on the cheek walking over to the table. As we sat down a sworn of waders came over placing luxurious and flashy food in front of us, wow these foods look amazing let's dig in I said with drool running down my mouth,"you don't have to tell me twice zero laughed" as food started flying everywhere. Hey calm down guys we have the whole night no need to rush mina said with a grin, so mikasa how did you and lee meet. well, I guess when our captain introduced us to each other and from then I had a crush on him, and him on me then we started dating. Wow you made it sound so easy mina laughed, do you know how long it took this log head to ask me out, years, you should have seen his face he was so shy and sweet,"hey chill mina don't tell them that zero whisperers. Hahaha, its cool dude your secret is safe with us,"yeah sure it is" as we all laughed more and more waders came in carrying huge loads of delicious dishes for us to try. So mina how did you and zero meet, suddenly the smiles on their faces disappeared as they looked at each other with a worried look in their eyes. O I'm sorry it's none of my business, no it's okay mikasa it's just that we met on the day that it all started. You don't mean....... "yeah we met on the day when the beast and dragons first attacked, I can still remember the fire falling from the sky." Mina putting her hand over her mouth fighting back the tears, hey that's enough mina if it's too much for you to tell the story I will. From what I remember it was just like any normal day, I was ten at the time when seen the fire falling from the sky like meteors. As they hit the surface with great impact houses, no communities crumbled to nothing, luckily our community evacuated in time, but that wasn't the least of our problems. Now we were out in the open, making our way to the next town on foot until the ground started to shake," hey mom whats going on and wheres dad" I don't know honey just keep walking I know we'll find him when we reach Tmonchina". Then suddenly the floor started to crack as huge enormous hands emerged from the ground, at that moment everyone knew the true meaning of fear and what it felt to be hopeless. As the fifty-foot beast dragged its body out of the cracks more started to appear, some stud straight up on two feet, some on four either way all of them were dangerous and eager for human flesh."
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Everyone Run" one man shouted throwing everyone into a panic, as my mom picked me up, running full speed to the next town the beast started to attack. One after another families were getting wiped out, some fell to there death from the cracks, most got snatched up by beast and devoured right in front of loved ones. I remember seeing mina on the floor crying over her mother and father" mom wait stop, that girl over there needs are help". "alright lets go" my mother said running to wards mina" are you all okay" Please ms take my daughter and go, both of my legs are broken and my husband is unconscious i'm no help to her in this condition"." mina now be a good girl and go with these nice people ill see you in the next town okay"no mommy I don't want to leave you"mina there is no time for this" kid whats your name, "z..zero" well zero mina and you look around the same age so promise me you'll take care of her no matter what. "y..ye...yes mam" its alright I wont let anything happen to her, my mom said taking both of are hands running to the next town," Thank You" she said giving up all hope on the ground, but what happen next shocked everyone.