400 years ago there was a small village named Temonia named after the queen at the time. There lived good town folks that kept Temonia up and running, but temonia was no ordinary town. For years they lived in fear because of the monsters and dragons...
So where should we go first, just look at this place, there's so many things to do, yang says looking around. Yes indeed there are more than three hundred attractions to enjoy in this section of the royal palace. Dang this place is amazing lisa said jumping up with excitement, but who are all these people, I thought it was just us. Well special chosen people from around the world gather here once a year to take a load off of their every day life such as you guys. Oh okay that explains allot," yeah but this year is special, I got a chance to see some true hero's, sakura said putting her had on mikasa's shoulder. Thank sakura it's an honor, we all bowed, your much welcome, now I have an idea I know you'll love. How about we split up, you three boys and us three girls. Sakura says with a smile, yeah sounds good I said putting my arms around ying and yang, we'll go check out the water slides and the food bar. Okay and we'll check out the spa and the Puffer Fish Cafe, sounds good to you guys, "yeah sounds grate". Alright lets meet up at that water fall at eight o'clock, okay we'll see you boys later have fun mikasa says kissing me on the cheek. Come along girls we have so much fun things to do sakura grabs their hands skipping away. So do you tend to swim with what you have on now, neel laughed walking over. I guess you didn't think that far ahead, lucky queen sakura picked out swimming trucks in your sizes. Here you are, now go try it on, "thanks neel your the best" HEY I DiDN'T MEAN CHANGE RIGHT HERE! To late already done alright lets hit up those water slides yang yelled as we all ran towards the pool, that was awkward neel walked away, last one there his a rotten egg, no way I'm loosing, well your not beating me ying laughs. Everyone out of the way, I shout as we all Sprint with all we got dashing past people, jumping over benches and sliding under tables just to get to the pool fist. Cannon ball, we shouted making a huge splash into the cool fresh water, Is that all you got even I can make a bigger splash than that. A man says from behind us, as we turn around to see zero with his arm around mina at the edge of the pool. Hey what's up guy's I never knew the queen invited you too, I said giving zero a hand shake. Yeah of course she did, we did help to take that beast down to you know mina said with a grin. Yeah your right, well since were all here lets have some fun, yang shouted heading up the stairs to the top of the water slide. Heck yeah lets go mina," okay I was dying for some entertainment" mina said running after yang as we all headed up the stairs. Meanwhile.......
Welcome to the volcano bay spa, sakara shouts as me and lisa's look around amazed from what we were seeing. Beautiful paintings filled the sealing as gorgeous exotic fish swim all around us, as if we were in an underwater Paradise. Slowly making our way inside a sweet fragrance kissed our nose, as smooth jazz played throughout the spa relaxing our minds. I bet you girls feel relaxed already don't you," I think I speak for mikasa and I when I say we really do" lisa said with her eyes closed taking in the moment. Well that's splendid I was hoping for that, one moment, the queen said walking up to the front desk, welcome my queen how may I help you today. I have two guesses with me and we'll be taking the five star sweet, and make sure you make them feel at home. Yes of course Madame I thought you would say that, your royal sweet is ready as we speak enjoy, the women bows, Thank you, right this way girls the queen called signaling us over, making are way down the hallway pass gorgeous statues we finally reached the room. Walking inside we were asked to remove are clothes as we laid there on the cold soft beds. I could feel warm oil going up my back as smooth hands rotated it around my back slowly sinking it into every pore on my skin.
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Hey mikasa isn't this heaven, "oh yeah it sure is, I haven't felt this good in years". Yeah your right, I wish we had this every day at base camp lisa giggles, yeah you wish, do you want captain red messaging your shoulders, eww no way, we all laughed. Soon after sakura leads us to a huge indoor hot spring, as we soaked are bodies in the water sakura swims over to me. Mikasa scarlet, such a beautiful name who came up with it, "my father did, yeah he put a lot of thought into it. It means lightning queen, hey now you're just showing off sakara laughs. Suddenly she looks side to side as if she was checking for guards, hey lisa come over here sakara whispers, yeah what's up, you girls want to do something a little naughty. Woah, sorry sakara we don't do that stuff with other girls I said looking away trying not to blush. No silly im talking about sneaking into the royal underground basement, it has so many hidden secrets about timonia you wouldn't believe. Oh yeah now that sounds like fun but why us Isn't that top secret, lisa asked, well personally I never been there because I'm not strong enough, but with you girls at my side I know we can make it. Also we look around the same age so I really wanted us to be good friends. Awww we'll be your friends, group huge lisa shouts as we wrap our arms around sakara, thanks guys but that wasn't the only reason why I asked you. Sakara paused........ Way down below the basement there's also the forbidden scroll.