400 years ago there was a small village named Temonia named after the queen at the time. There lived good town folks that kept Temonia up and running, but temonia was no ordinary town. For years they lived in fear because of the monsters and dragons...
Come on Lee hurry" mikasa says pulling me through the dark hallway " where going to be late" late for what"? Just wait here I'm going to go freshen up for a bit, she kisses me on the cheek leaving me by her room door. Ten minutes passed as her room door slowly opens, " Lee you still there" she peeks around the corner " yeah I'm still here, but what are we doing up so late"? Suddenly mikasa steps out of her room, and man was she beautiful, mikasa was wearing a beautiful red dress with gorgeous matching high heels and earrings, that was the first time I saw her wearing makeup leaving me speechless. "Hey Lee why are you looking at me like that, is something wrong with my dress, I knew I should have picked that other dress I look so ugly I should go change," no mikasa you look beautiful". I take her hand spinning her around then pulling her in close,"so where we going, on a such romantic night" well I was thinking timonia city." What do you mean timonia city you know captain doesn't like us sneaking out at night,"Lee who cares, were going to be in trouble anyway for trashing the front yard of the base camp, from our fight from earlier. True but......" but nothing Lee you promised me tonight was going to be special " okay fine mikasa let's go you trouble maker," I say wrapping my arm around her as we make our way through the back heading for timonia city.
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It wasn't long before we were surrounded by flashing lights, as cars honked the person in front of them seeing people storming in and out of stores."Wow look at this place, its amazing" mikasa said tugging across the sidewalk"come on slow poke". As we ran into a group of people,"Look everyone its the beast slayers" one man shouts out getting everyone's attention. Look honey it's the beast slayers........Wow, those guys are amazing....... Hey, mommy can I go over to get an autograph......hey Lee and mikasa can we get a quick photo with you. Hello people of timonia city it's nice to see you, I and mikasa wave to the huge crowd of people as a kid runs over with a pen and paper." Can you guys please sign this for me please, you two are my heroes, "thanks kid yeah sure" I took his paper as me and mikasa signed are names handing it back. Wow I actually got their signatures, the boy look at his paper amazed, hahaha take care kid, sorry everyone but we must go bye we love you timonia city, mikasa waved holding me tightly all as the crowd of people cheered loud through the streets. Soon after turning the block we were alone once more "mikasa where are you taking me" well worry no longer because we're here" welcome to the Pelican Breeze Cafe! Mikasa shouts, "wow this place looks great and the food smells delicious from outside, let's go in I'm starving" me and mikasa run up to the front door were a man in a suit was standing. About to open the door the man stops us," I'm sorry sir but I can't let you and your lady inside " the man say's with a French accent"only top class people are allowed. What's your names maybe you're on the invite list," Lee Fong and Mikasa Scarlet" suddenly the man starts to laugh,"hey what's so funny " it's nothing" the man laughs on. It's just that you two have the same names of those pro dragon hunters at the hunter academy, you see if you were those two, I could let you in. What the hell are you talking about, we are those pro slayers, I yell as the man starts laughing harder. Okay then prove it, the man looks at us ready to laugh, alright Dragon Punch .......lightning Shield! Me and mikasa shout, as I punch my fist into the ground making everything shake and lightning surrounds mikasa's body, is this good enough for you. From that the man looked shocked," I'm so sorry, my apology please right this way" the man leads us straight into an elevator "why are we going up" I ask. Well, the higher we go the classier the setting is and since you two are pro slayers you go to the highest level and about earlier you know I was just joking right. I and mikasa look at him with a blank face, just know next time you better recognize us or were going to pound your face in, we laugh as the man looked frightened in the corner. Suddenly the elevator door opened" welcome to the five stars private pelican breeze sweet for two, right this way the man leads us down a hallway to a door, and to my surprise someone seemed to be already inside. "well isn't this strange, there shouldn't be anyone in there, only pro hunters are allowed up here"the man says unlocking the door with his key slowly opening it. What the hell is going on here, what are they doing here I shouted, somehow a sitting on the other side of the room was no other but yellow head zero and his teammate mina, what a night this was going to be.