400 years ago there was a small village named Temonia named after the queen at the time. There lived good town folks that kept Temonia up and running, but temonia was no ordinary town. For years they lived in fear because of the monsters and dragons...
Shortly after yangs victory, he passes out on the floor,"yang are you okay" lisa and ying ran over helping him from the ground. You did good bro now rest well, ying said patting him on the back. Outside the game captain red and athines stood there speechless to what they just saw, "Wow" That was amazing captain red yells. Let the games continue"No captain" athenis shouts, don't you see what's going on" what do you mean athenis" look at yang, he's injured and I'm also worried about those two athenis points at the screen monitor. You mean lee fong and mikasa, "yes it seems something is wrong so you have to end this training now" she shouts looking concerned. "Okay your right I'll end the training" captain red picks up the microphone, as I walk away from mikasa leaving her on the ground captain red starts talking, attention team training is over for today we'll resume tomorrow morning. Now I need everyone to meet up in the center and hold hands, it's the only way to get back to the real world. Hearing that surprise me somehow, as we all came into the center forming a circle mikasa looked at me holding out her hand. For that moment I couldn't do anything but stare at her hand, while everyone waited for me,"hey lee I know you and mikasa are having problems right now but just hold hands like the rest of us so we can go home". Lisa said looking at me and mikasa"okay fine" I replied taking mikasa hand looking away, then suddenly a bright light from above came down around us transporting us back to the real world. Somehow we were transported back into our chairs as captain red came walking over "welcome back guys, and a job well done on your training"lee where are you going mikasa yells looking at me walk out the room, then shortly going after me. Rain fell down from the sky soaking our close wet,"lee wait up" she grabs my arm"I'm sorry for the things I said back there I should have listened to you". "no mikasa I'm sorry, but I'm done with this relationship" what do you mean lee don't tell me you're breaking up with me" mikasa says with tears in her eyes, sorry mikasa but I am. I remove her hand off my shoulder walking away leaving her in the rain as she screams"Leeeee Don't Leave Meeeee" but engorging every word I continue walking until I disappear in the distance. Mikasa's heart broke in two that day, and honestly, she would never forget that feeling of how she felt right then. Suddenly mikasa passes out to the wet floor, "mikasa are you okay" lisa runs over calling ying, and captain red"hurry help me get her up to her room" captain shouts. Ten minutes later, mikasa wakes up in her bed, suppressed to see lisa in a chair asleep"she must have been watching over me while I was out how nice of her", mikasa thinks to herself. Touching her forehead bruise , then slowly getting up taking off her clothes kissing lisa on her cheek before getting in the shower.
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The hot water felt good on her skin, grabbing the soap rubbing every corner of her body making it run down her legs, suddenly she hears the bathroom door open. "can I join" lisa says taking off her bra, yeah sure mikasa replies make space for lisa in the shower. Five minutes passes and mikasa brakes down to the floor crying in the corner of the shower," mikasa are you okay let me guess it's about lee isn't it." O my god lee is such an jerk for doing that to you" No no it's my fault I wish I never said the things I said I'm so stupid" hey don't talk like that". If you really love lee fong you won't give up, you'll fight for him till the end plus you two make a good couple lisa said with a smile. Now get up mikasa, lisa reached out her hand helping her from the ground, then out of nowhere mikasa pulls lisa in for a huge as hot steam fills the room. "Thanks lisa you're a big help, and I also think you and ying make a good couple," hahaha me and ying yeah right, lisa laughed trying not to blush. How about we get out of here lisa turns off the water as they both grab a towel, hey where are going mikasa lisa smiles "after lee of course" mikasa smiles back throwing up the peace sign. Time passed by and I unlock my door walking into my room suppressed to see mikasa on my bed, umm what are you doing here mikasa". Lee tell me you love me she walks over burying her head in my chest grabbing me tight, making me blush, mikasa it's really late you shouldn't be here. Yes, I should lee, mikasa said locking the door then grabbing my arm pulling me to the bed"let me show you that I belong here"and like most nights this one didn't end like how you think...........