400 years ago there was a small village named Temonia named after the queen at the time. There lived good town folks that kept Temonia up and running, but temonia was no ordinary town. For years they lived in fear because of the monsters and dragons...
The ultimate showdown was about to begin with athenis queen of the dragons and lisana the demon queen, as the fight began me as well as my team flew back from their impact knocking us into the wall. Hey guys get up we have to get out of here fast, making our way through the hallways back to the surface we finally felt safe enough to catch a breath but not for long. Soon after athenis burst out of the ground breathing hard as lisana grabbed her feet slamming her to the floor then dropped right on top of her, somehow the athenis seemed to be losing. "you will not defeat me" athenis yelled releasing hot golden flames from her mouth burning lisana's hands blocking the attack. The fight was intense and went on for thirty minutes before athenis was totally out of energy, ha ha ha is this the great dragon queen that rules over all beast and dragons. Ha ha ha ha lisana laughed on, so pitiful now I will take your power and I will rule over everyone above the surface and you will watch everything that you love die little sister. Seeing this from a distance I knew this could no longer go on, guys we can't wait here any longer we have to fight, "how can we fight were not strong enough"mikasa said with her head down. But are other side is, were half beast and together we can beat the demon queen now get angry, think of all the things that piss you off and then release it. With lisana about to finish of athenis the ground started to shake and crack as the air turned hot and thick as the beast awakened from within us. We were now huge bloodthirsty beast ready to rip the demon queen to shreds, "Hey fools don't forget about me before you fight the queen you fight the king" the man said that was with the demon queen earlier, but he was different he hasn't transformed and you could feel the huge surge of energy coming from his body. Wow, you half beast look pretty strong but I can take you all on at once then suddenly his body changed withing seconds increasing in size, muscles, and rage. 'Now how's first' he yelled pissing yang off as he charged at him the bloody battle of the beast was about to begin.
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