400 years ago there was a small village named Temonia named after the queen at the time. There lived good town folks that kept Temonia up and running, but temonia was no ordinary town. For years they lived in fear because of the monsters and dragons...
As I stood there out of breath I could feel the energy in my body fading making my legs weak, about to fall to the ground I could feel hands pushing me up. "Hey kid you all right, a man says putting my arm around his neck, as thousands of people started crowding around me in a circle, bowing there heads in respect. Yeah I'm alright just a little tired, I smiled making the crowd laugh, Today we all spit in faces of all the beast and dragons that try to push us into a corner, that tries to take our children and our land! Today we push forward towards better future, A future that we can live the way we want and go anywhere we want without living in fear, I shouted as mikasa, ying, yang, lisa, zero and mina emerged from the crowd joining me by my side. Just put your faith in us and we'll get you there, My name is Lee fong also known as the beast slayer and we just slayed your monster! We all raised our fist in the air, as every man, woman, and child yelled at the top of the lungs throwing their hands in the air, you could see there tears rolling down their faces while they celebrated.
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Suddenly a gust of wind blew over us, as helicopter slowly landed a few feet away from where we were standing. It was gen, as always, ready to take us back to base camp, Let's move" he shouted signaling us over to the helicopter. Meanwhile, as we walked towards gen with big smiles on our faces, everyone cheered louder, Thank you guys.........your my heroes.........Stay safe hunters...........We put all our faith in you, so go on and change the future..........we're behind you one hundred percent. Slowly boarding the helicopter, then strapping in, we Imminently took off, and before we knew it, we were in the air, over timonia city heading straight to base camp. Meanwhile, it was finally quiet, as we all looking out the window, watching the sun rise emerge from behind the clouds. Hey zero, mina, thanks for your help out there, I said reaching out my hand" no problem, but next time we'll finish it, zero and mina smiled shaking my hand. Hey mina you got some dirt on your shirt, ying and yang said giggling, "where I don't see it" right here" they both leaned over touching her boobs, both blushing. Mina looked like she was about to explode, squeezing her fist tightly, You....stupid.....perverts mina shouted punching them the both shaking the helicopter. wow mina I think you knocked them out cold, lisa said trying not to laugh, all you could see was ying and yang with huge lumps on their heads as they laid there on the floor. "Serves them right" mina stuck out her tongue,"Awch-Awch what happened" ying and yang immediately woke up, suddenly everyone burst out laughing pointing at them. That helicopter ride back to base camp was special, as we shared jokes, and stories to one another, it made the ride to base feel shorter than It really was, and within a few hours, we arrived. Slowly exiting the copter, me as well as my team waved goodbye to zero and mina as gen started up the helicopter, taking them back to their own base camp in the West. From then ten days passed, while using those days to rest and heal, everything went back to normal. It was eleven o'clock in the morning, just another basic day of training, suddenly, captain red burst into the training gym with a huge smile on his face. Attention, everyone stop what you're doing and listen up, we just got invited to the royal palace by the queen herself," no way I can't believe it, yang said as we all ran towards captain red crowding around him. She also wrote this, captain opened up a letter, it says hello my great and powerful warriors, a few days ago you put your lives on the line to save countless of insistent people. As I watched all of you do your best to take down that beast, I couldn't help but say thank you for all your hard work. So I invite you to come and celebrate with me in the royal palace on October sixteenth at eleven o'clock, and it will bring me great joy to my heart to see you there. Until then, love Sakara Kazuki. "OMG" we just got invited to the royal palace, we all shouted dancing around the gym. All I can say is great job team, you brought great respect to our hunter base camp, and you all deserve no less than this. Red said giving us a thumbs up, thank you sir, we all bowed our heads, wait hold up what's today, ying asked, "October sixteenth, why" mikasa replied, just wondering.................... Wait! October! Sixteenth! We're! So! Late!