400 years ago there was a small village named Temonia named after the queen at the time. There lived good town folks that kept Temonia up and running, but temonia was no ordinary town. For years they lived in fear because of the monsters and dragons...
With mikasa leading me towards the bed I swiftly yank my arm back getting her attention,''mikasa stop, let's not do this tonight" what do you mean lee stop what". Mikasa, you know what I'm talking about, just go'' I'm not going anywhere without you lee, so tell me what do you want from me, I'll give you anything you desire" she said with her head down. Mikasa, I'm okay with just being friends,"NO" mikasa shouted grabbing my arms pushing me against the wall"you might be but I'm not". Let's make a bet lee if you beat me in a fight then were friends but if I win then were back together deal. I'll never fight you mikasa" so you're trying to say I'm weak" she screamed tightening her grip on me" no not at all but...." 'Then Except The Challenge! okay mikasa I'll do it, aww thanks baby she said releasing my arms then kissing me on the cheek as I lose focus. Suddenly she grabs me by the neck lifting me from the floor "the challenge begins now...." she yells as lightning engulfs her body punching me in the stomach"Lightning punch"! As I fly through wall to wall then finally bursting through the last one arriving outside,with mikasa now in rage mode I realized nothing could stop her from reaching her goal only the words she wanted to hear so badly"I love you". But she knew I was far from saying those words as she dashed at me throwing huge lightning blast, dodging everyone I run at her using ten percent of my power as our fist clash blowing both of us back. Now take this "Lightning blade" mikasa shouts making a sword as I played around with her dodging every move she made then soon mikasa makes a careless move leaving herself wide open. As I swing my fist mikasa closes her eyes bracing for impact surprised to see my fist stopped right before her face. Doing backflips getting herself a good distance away from me, she knew I was holding back and that meant she had no way of winning but that didn't stop her. Okay lee take this lightning dash, and just like that mikasa was moving so fast that she was seeing everything in slow motion as she punched me from all over making it impossible to see her or dodge her attack. Deep in my heart, I didn't want to fight mikasa but I couldn't let this go on I had to use one hundred percent of my power. "That's enough" I yelled as a huge energy wave blasted mikasa back, then a dark green aura surrounded my body increasing my speed and power as I and mikasa ran at each other dodging each other's attacks. Soon after ten minutes, her power starts to fade as I deliver a deadly blow to her stomach, and with that mikasa drops to her knees as blood drips from her mouth. "mikasa it's over I'm done fighting you" is say walking away from her "no..no..no..no..noooo I'm to weak" mikasa shouts banging the floor with her fist."I need to get stronger, I won't loose you lee" mikasa stumbles back to her feet holding her stomach. Suddenly It felt like everything stopped for a split second, somehow all the pain, sadness, and anger deep within mikasa exploded turning mikasa's hair, eyes and lightning pitch black and just being ten feet away was making my skin shiver.
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Soon the floor started shaking as the grass trees around us started to die turning the air thicker making it hard to breathe, mikasa was getting dangerous and I knew I had to put a stop to her. slowly forcing myself towards mikasa, her lightning gets more wilder and vicious, as every footstep I take towards her, the heat increased on till it got to the point my skin started to evaporate. I finally was face to face with mikasa and just by looking into her dark black eyes I knew she lost control, knowing that I whisper in her ear"mikasa I'm sorry I let it go this far I love you" as I lean in kissing her on the lips. Suddenly mikasa's power vanishes making it hard to stand then falls in my arms as her hair and eyes return to its normal state. Soon after, she passes out from all the power she used in the fight, slowly yanking all her body in my arms I take her inside laying her out on the bed. A few minutes passed and mikasa wakes up in a hurry surprised to see me sitting beside the bed "Umm what happened" she touches her forehead in pain, "well you finally transformed". "What...transformed..."yeah about that I guess I should come clean with you" I reached over touching her hand". This whole time this was all test, captain red wanted me to act like I hated you because he knew the only way to unlock your full potential is to hurt your feelings. He knows all about us just like yang during training, captain red knew that the only way for yang to unlock his hidden black flames was to let him experience the pressure of fighting alone. Yang felt like he had to become stronger to protect his friends, just like you felt that you had to get stronger to win my love."So this whole time this was just a test for me to grow stronger" umm mikasa your scaring me....just calm down...#*POW*#*POW*#! Ouch that hurts what was that for that was a total sucker punch,"that's what you get playing with my feelings" she laughs. Well I'm glad that it was only a test, now come here you big dummy mikasa jumps on me tackling me to the floor. Ha ha ha, stop playing mikasa that tickles, haha okay fine" she smiles over me, suddenly everything went silent"hey lee I been thinking". "Yeah what" "after where all done with these missions do you want to start something new". What do you mean new" you know like a family,...SAY WHAT YOU WANT TO START A FAMILY. Shut up lee keep your voice down, okay just promise me you'll show me all the love you can possibly give to me "yeah, I promise". Well I hope you keep that promise tonight, come I have to show you something I know you'll love.
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