400 years ago there was a small village named Temonia named after the queen at the time. There lived good town folks that kept Temonia up and running, but temonia was no ordinary town. For years they lived in fear because of the monsters and dragons...
Finally, the battlefield was set, beast vs slayers, good vs evil, peace vs destruction. All those things, watching in the distance, waiting to see which side will overpower the other, as we stared down each other ready to fight. "Let's gooooo" I yelled as we all charged at the beast, throwing it into attack mode, ying do it now mikasa yelled, " I got it, take this Ultra Ice Blizzard. Suddenly as ying's attack drew near the beast, it jumped high into the air dodging ying's attack like it was nothing, then landing back down creating a huge shockwave shattering every window within its path, "oh crap, he dodged my attack guys what now, "know said this was going to be easy, Lisa shouted back, keep aiming ying! Alright, I got it, you won't get away from me this time, mikasa I need you to hit that water pipe, right when it passes that building, "but if I do that the beast will be right on top of us", no time to explain, do it now! Okay, Lighting Beam, mikasa shouted as she shot her lighting straight into the pipe, causing a huge amount of fresh water to poor out into the street. I got you now, Ice Seal, suddenly the water started to freeze into ice stopping everything in its path including the beast, "heck yeah I got him. Alright It's up to us now let's go, yang and mikasa ran at the beast then jumped high into the air, yang take my hand, okay I got you, let's give it our all for Timonia City, combination attack, LIGHTNING FLAME REBELLION! Mikasa and yang put their hands together shooting an ignoramus blast at the beast, putting every inch of their power into the attack. As it hovered over the beast, the monster began to panic but without any way to dodge it, the monster makes a desperate attack by shooting a mouth beam straight at mikasa and yangs attack.
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I'll give it to you, you are strong, but not strong enough, because when it comes down to slayers, their's nothing they can't do when putting their lives on the line to save others. That's why we refuse to let you win, mikasa and yang shouted pushing the blast back at the beast, causing a huge explosion heat wave. Great one guys, now leave it up to lisa and me to finish this," okay lee here I go, Gravity Rocket Booster, lisa reached out her hand sending a huge amount of gravity around me. Then launching me at top speed into the sky until I was above the clouds, I remember the feeling of that moment. The cool fresh air on my face and the burning sensation in my chest, as I looked up to see the moon and the thousands of stars shining brightly around it. I remembered the thousands of people in my hometown that died from the dragons and beast, that burned down our homes and killed innocent people just to get a taste of human flesh. Then just like that my rage erupted, I could feel my heart beating faster and faster as every bone in my body started to expand I started to fall down from the sky. Let the beast within me be unleashed, tonight I end this, not just for me, but for humanity and all those that put their faith in me, Full body take over, Titans Wrath! Suddenly a loud roar was heard coming from above, everyone went silent, looking straight up into the sky as a huge man slash beast emerged from above the clouds. Immediately everyone started to shout, and celebrate because they knew their prayers has been answered, kick his ass.........Save timonia city..........Show that monster us humans won't take there crap forever.......please slayers stay safe.......look mommy the hero is here.
With yings ice attack freezing the beast in one place, and mikasa and yangs combination attack blinding the beast, everything was set for me to finish it with the final blow. Then out of the blue, shining bright golden armor started forming around my body, somewhere out there I knew zero wasn't done fighting, lending me his power to complete the mission. You're finished I shouted coming down from the sky punching threw the beast chest ripping out the heart. blood rained down as it fell to its knees, it was done, everyone started rejoicing throwing their fist into the air shouting at the top of their lungs. We're saved......Thank you, god.......Heck yeah serves you right now they know not to mess with us........Daddy can we go back home now......Yes, honey, we're safe now.
As stood there covered in blood I looked in my hand crushing the beast heart to pieces, then stepping on its chest giving off my final roar before returning to my normal form.
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