400 years ago there was a small village named Temonia named after the queen at the time. There lived good town folks that kept Temonia up and running, but temonia was no ordinary town. For years they lived in fear because of the monsters and dragons...
"Calling all fighters to the combat room" The speakers went off, as I hurried to throw on a shirt and pants grabbing my bag heading for the door. Making my way into the hallway, I was surprised to see everyone already awake heading downstairs,Mikasa,ying, yang, lisa wait for me I said running full speed . "morning lee" mikasa said kissing me on the cheek," what took you so long you overslept or something" no just couldn't find my workout bag were going to need it for whatever were doing today. "You know that's right" yang said lifting up his bag as we all walked into the combat room surprised to see captain red standing with athenis the dragon queen in the center of the room. Guys, I forgot we brought athenis back to base camp after our last mission Yang whisperer, good morning guys today we start your training, I know you're still mad at me because of the little incident we had the other day captain red said as I spit on the floor looking away. Lee what are you doing mikasa whispered putting her hand on my shoulder, no mikasa he should have every right to be mad at me but I am still your captain. I know you lee and I have an announcement I know you will love, In one month there will be The Ultimate Slayer Tournament were all different camps bring their teams from all over the world to fight in one place to show that their camp is the best. Also, yellow head zero will be there with his team and I know you want your payback and whoever wins the tournament gets a wish approved from the athenis the dragon queen. Yes, Its true as the queen of the dragons I can make a wish once a year, wow that's amazing ying said as smiles appeared on everyone's faces. Well well well I guess you do know me I said with a smile as me and captain red both walked up shaking hands, that's my boy now if we are going to win this you guys have to train harder than yo ever did before. So what do you want us to do some sit-ups or lift some weights, no If we are going to win we have to go pass that now follow me. As all of us followed captain red though the hallway he led us to a wall, umm captain I think you need some glasses yang laughed, do I now captain red said pressing a hidden button on the wall. As the wall slowly opened leading to a secret room "wow what is this place" mikasa said looking around, this is your training room. umm this room is kinda small, yes it is yang but look at those chairs over there when you sit down and get hooked up you get teleported into a virtual training game that tests you on your intelligence, reflexes, powers, and your teamwork. I as well as athenis will be monitoring you guys all the way though, you won't need your training bags when you're in the game it provides everything you need now everyone have a seat. walking over to the chairs I saw that mikasa looked nervous, as we both sat by each other I put my hand on hers as we both looked into each other's eyes we knew that if we had each other we would be fine. "Everyone strapped In" yes sir,...... wait sir I have to pee well you should have thought of that before you sat down yang, "but sir please don't do this" sorry here we go captain red said pressing the button. Tell you the truth it was the worst feeling I ever experienced it felt like your body was getting ripped in two then crushed into a small speck of dust but when I realized the pain went away I couldn't believe my eyes we were in the game! Hey, guys, this is amazing "hell yeah it is" lisa said as the whole team came together, but everyone looks kinda different even me, yeah mikasa and lisa got way hotter ying and yang said with drool coming out of their mouth. O shut up lisa kicking them in the nuts"Auuuuch" I thought you couldn't feel pain in this game Ying and yang said on the floor, guys stop messing around don't you hear something mikasa said looking around. Ummm...... guys turn around lisa said in fear, "o my god what is that thing"ying screamed "I know what it is" are you sure lee, yes people call it the scorpion beast it digs underneath you and go's for your legs so everyone be careful. Yes lee is right we need to be careful and form a plan to beat that thing lisa said but before she knew it I and mikasa charged at the scorpion with all we got, the game just began Level One Start!!!!!
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