400 years ago there was a small village named Temonia named after the queen at the time. There lived good town folks that kept Temonia up and running, but temonia was no ordinary town. For years they lived in fear because of the monsters and dragons...
"Now who's first, I don't have all day " dread said somehow pissing yang off " I got this he's mine " yang no ying shouted but it was to late yang was ready to show off his power. Your mine dread now eat this yang said jumping three-hundred feet into the air throwing humongous fire bullets down into the earth. Thinking it was over yang stopped returning to the ground hahaha I told you guys I had it under control yang said turning to us. Yang what's wrong with you , you almost blew the town away, mikasa shouted "hey don't get mad with me at least he's dead. Then suddenly the smoke cleared as dread teleported behind yang "yang behind you" lisa shouted, but it was too late dread had already grabbed him by the neck slamming him to the hard rough ground. Fool's you thought that would kill me, well you are sadly mistaken dread said kicking yang on the floor as he flew through the air smashing into trees and rocks nearby. "You leave my brother alone ying shouted in his beast voice running towards dread, "come on guys all together," I said as we all joined in heading for dread. This is for yang, ice fist ying shouted as huge chunks of ice formed over his hand punching dread in the face, blood flew out his mouth from the impact as I dashed behind him kicking him towards lisa. Lisa do it now I yelled as lisa used her gravity power to throwing him off balance into the air, mikasa he's all yours then suddenly like a bolt of lightning mikasa punched a hole right through his chest, as dreads scream of agony echoed throughout the underground city. It was done, with dread dead lisana was the only one standing in are way ,Nooooo my king lisana screamed dropping to her knees you all will pay for this. This is not over in one year I will be back with an army that will wipe temonia of the grid and revenge the husband you stole from me. Then out of nowhere a black portal opened beside her, and take your trash I don't need her anymore lisana said kicking athenis the dragon queen over to us as she slid across the ground. Lisana was now gone and so was our energy as we slowly shrunk back into are human forms, are close was stretch out leaving us half naked lucky some people from town took us in. All of us were now side by side in hospital beds, hey mikasa are you okay I asked, yeah just swore from turning into a beast mikasa said in a low voice how about you "the same". Mikasa, I am sorry for getting mad at you back there for not telling me that you were a half beast I know you were just taking orders and I love you. The room went silent for awhile before yang, ying and lisa burst out laughing, "what are you guys laughing about". Dude, you sound like my mom, hahaha when did you turn into the soft type, then suddenly athenis burst out laughing, dude you even got the dragon queen laughing at your ass. Well I thought it was sweet mikasa said blowing a kiss to me thank you mikasa at least you think I am cool , "well I didn't say that mikasa laughed. Somehow that night was special the whole night we stayed up cracking jokes, laughing and having a good time before our journey tomorrow back to temonia.
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