400 years ago there was a small village named Temonia named after the queen at the time. There lived good town folks that kept Temonia up and running, but temonia was no ordinary town. For years they lived in fear because of the monsters and dragons...
Then what happened next shocked everyone as a deafening roar came from above," no way how is this possible" my mother said shocked from what she was seeing. At that moment no one knew A dream from reality as hundreds of dragons rained down from the sky swooping down devouring anything in their path. As we ran and ran families just like mine were taken out right in front of our eyes and most were neighborhood friends. I remember running for hours until the ground started to crack underneath our feet, "watch out mom" I yelled as a huge beast covered with fire emerged from the ground. Thinking our luck ran out we huddled together closing our eyes awaiting death. Then I felt a hand touch my shoulder as we open our eyes to see the beast dead on the floor with seven people standing on the beast chest with one man beside us. Who are you people I asked, as the man bent down rubbing my head "we're hunters kid and so will you one day, and so will you mina". To my surprise he knew minas name somehow, "thank you so much I own my life to you" my mother bowed her head,"no problem Mam now head to those hills and continue going straight you'll find yourself at a hidden safe house you'll be protected there. Thank you so much, my mother said about to head for the safe house, but before we knew it we were completely surrounded, "Alright guys let's go find Cronose slay some monsters"! The man shouted as his team charged at the beast and dragons taking them out like they were nothing with big smiles on their faces.
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An image I would never forget, as they slayed the monsters it gave us a good time to pass by them and make it into the safe houses. That day blood stained the ground as millions of people lost their lives to the beast and dragons, we were one in a few that made it out alive. Still from all that, I couldn't wrap my mind around those hunters, there's no way they could have been so prepared and even if they were, I don't remember hearing about hunters back then, for there was nothing to hunt ." wow you guys really been through a lot" mikasa said wiping tears from her eyes, "yeah I guess you can say that, and I would do it all over just to be with mina, zero said pulling Mina in close. Awww that's so sweet, lee why don't you say things like that to me,"(WHAT) come on zero now look what you got me in as we all laughed mikasa's phone rang, SHIT! What is it mikasa, someone from base camp is calling, it's probably captain red, he's probably pissed from what we did to the base and we have to pick up or he's going to be more pissed "answer it mikasa! Why do I have to do it, you answer it she threw the phone at me, alright fine,I picked up the phone fast, Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry captain red its all mikasa's fault, "you little snitch mikasa punched my arm," where sorry for sneaking out" what are you talking about Lee this is ying. O what's up ying, where the hell are you guys we need you at the base now, where at the Pelican Breeze Cafe why, O my god Lee get out of there now! What's going on ying, dude you have to get out of that place there's a beast heading your way at full speed, alright we'll take it out, NO this one is not the level five beast were use to fighting, its level nine. O my god everyone we got to go, I said as the phone dropped from my hand"lee what is it, no time to explain. Alright, let's take the elevator, no we have to go through the window now! As I started gathering everything up zero, mina, and mikasa all paused where they stood, what the crap is wrong with you guys I said we have to go, why are you not moving! L..le..lee look behind you mikasa said stuttering my name, as I slowly turned around all I could see was a huge blue eye staring through the window.