400 years ago there was a small village named Temonia named after the queen at the time. There lived good town folks that kept Temonia up and running, but temonia was no ordinary town. For years they lived in fear because of the monsters and dragons...
Seeing this girl chained up only made us angry and ready for action, okay guys lets do this mikasa you and lisa you go for the girl, me and ying and yang will take out the guards chang you stay here "okay" everyone ready alright One Two Three Go. We were now in the open as ying used his ice power to freeze some men trying to shoot lisa and mikasa. Hearing the commotion inside about forty guards came running back to through the door ready to fight, lee I got this ying said pushing me aside eat this fools ka....me.... ha...me... ha! A huge fire blast came from yangs hand eliminating twenty guards at once, wow that was amazing yang where did u get that move, from my anime show he laughed. Yang watch out, I said as bullet shells hit the wall, rolling on the ground back to safety it was my time fight "this won't take long". Pulling my swords out I waited for the right moment to strike, the men were now out of emo and reloading, okay lets play I shouted running through a rain of machine gun bullets. Sliding on the floor jumping wall to wall dodging every bullet that came at me, all the men were out and decided to go with hand to hand combat. As I ran at them slicing heads, arms and even slicing a few men in two, I even managed to scare a few men off, "hey lee you and yang okay" ying said coming over, O my fuck so much blood lee your crazy remind me not to mess with you again. "guys come quick the girl is waking up" mikasa and lisa shouted holding the girl in their arms, running over to them there laid a girl on the floor nude head to feet as lisa quickly put a towel over her covering her body. The girl eyes slowly opened coming back to her scenes then suddenly she jumped up to her feet pushing away me, lisa and mikasa heading for the door before collapsing back on the ground. Stay away from me she screamed backing herself into a corner, slowly calming down she looks around the room noticing everyone that was there before was wiped out "who are you people". Where your way out of here, now let me ask you a question why did these people have you chained up like this, They want my power because I am the dragon queen my name is athenis. Ruler over all beast and dragons above the surface for many years people told story's of me and said I was a king a horrible man that would lead monsters and wipe out the human race. But I would never want that I wanted world peace you see a long time ago dragons and beast were genital and calm until something happened and threw them into a rampage. From then they desired the taste of human flesh and went out to take it, I can still control them but they are too far apart for me to do so. But for some reason, I can feel them really close right now "yeah I and my brother chang are half beasts" I spoke out, no it's not just you two she looked at lisa mikasa ying and yang. Sorry lee captain red said to keep it a secret but yes we all are half beast, so when were you going to tell me mikasa, lee I am so sorry I always wanted to tell you but, "no I don't want to hear that". I thought you guys were my friends, aww so sad a women in black said walking into the room with a huge man at her side, it looks like someone has friend problems. "It was her that did this to me" athenis shouted getting up to her feet your going to regret what you did to me lisana queen of the demons. the floor shook as athenis transformed into half dragon half beast blowing us away. "You call your friends and wreck the place now you threaten to kill me the great lisana ha, ha, ha, you always seem to piss me off dragon queen now it's my time to you and your friends true terror. suddenly the room shook throwing everyone off balance as mikasa hit the floor I ran over to support her looking over my shoulder I can only remember the fear I felt at that moment.
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