400 years ago there was a small village named Temonia named after the queen at the time. There lived good town folks that kept Temonia up and running, but temonia was no ordinary town. For years they lived in fear because of the monsters and dragons...
As I started gathering everything up zero, mina, and mikasa all pause where they stood, what the crap is wrong with you guys I said we have to go, why are you not moving! L..le..lee look behind you mikasa said stuttering my name, as I slowly turned around all I could see was a huge blue eye staring through the window. N..no one make any sudden movements, I said slowly walking to the back of the room heading for my sword. Then without warning a waiter walks into the room, seeing the eye glaring through the food dish falls from her hands, as she screams at the top of her lungs throwing the beast into attack mode." Everyone take cover" zero screams as he shields the female waitress, and just like that everything started to collapse, as the beast threw it's fist into the lower part of the building.
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"Hello, this is Jennifer Ann, coming to you live in Timonia city, only on TMC News." Jennifer was determined this was the story of a lifetime and she was willing to put her life on the line to report it. She lives searching for the perfect story and she knew she found it. "So Jennifer, tell us what's going on"! Well Bill, from what I can see somehow the nine level beast got pass timonia cites defense force and headed straight to the Pelican Breeze Cafe. The building seems to be collapsing sideways and the police are doing everything in their power to get everyone out. Everyone move it, shouts a police officer, this way, this way shouts another to the terrified crowd evacuating everyone out. As huge chunks of the building crash to the ground only inches away from their feet. Then she pauses,..... but something is wrong Bill, For some reason the beast isn't paying any mind to the citizens, it's only focused on the upper part of the building. "Yes that does seem strange," thanks Jennifer, we'll be getting right back to you, now we head straight to Noah live at the ultimate hunter academy base. Hello Bill tonight I'm standing with the head of the academy base, Captain Red, so tell us what are you doing to stop this problem captain. Well two of my strongest fighters are already facing the problem head on," Oh yes we caught them on camera, people identified them as mikasa scarlet and Lee fong am I right? Yes, and the rest of their crew is heading there as we speak, "that's great to hear" one more thing if mikasa and Lee are watching this somehow what would you say to them? Lee and mikasa if you are watching this please don't fight yet wait until your team comes you'll only get yourself hurt, thanks captain. Well people you heard it here, the hunter academy is doing their best to solve this problem, and we'll be keeping our eyes on the beast the best we can only on TMC news. Meanwhile............
Hey Lee you and mikasa make a jump for it, we'll be right behind you," yeah sure, alright mikasa let's goooooo," I shouted as we all jumped from the two hundred story building. I remember the feeling of it all, the excitement, fear, and rage coursing through my body, as the cool breeze engulfed my face we hit the surface. With a few seconds to react, the huge degree from the build fell on us, but when the dust cleared there we stood ready for a fight. Hey zero is the waiter okay, "yeah she's fine" okay Ms please find somewhere safe away from here, things are about to get dangerous." Yes of course, and thank you so much for saving me the lady said running for cover. Now it was just us and the furious beast as it continued to destroy the building, hey lee and mikasa take this, it might come in handy, Mina threw us a small cube that transformed into a sword. Sweet, now I'm all fired up "are you guys ready to get some revenge on this bastard, "hell yeah if this if beast thinks it can mess with my dinner date and get away with it, it has another thing coming". It's about time me and mina show you our power, "here I go, "dragon armor equip," suddenly a humongous sword and golden armor appeared around zero. Now it's my turn, I call upon the light within me to fight the darkness, come forth wings of light. Now we fuse our power to become one, come fourth Zina Yellow Death, suddenly a bright blinding light surrounded their body's getting the beast attention. Mikasa close your eyes, I shouted covering her face turning the other direction, soon the bright light started to disappear, thanks lee," yeah no problem" what the....who are you? We couldn't believe our eyes standing in front of us was a girl with yellow and black hair equip with a golden sword and armor with bright angel wings. I am neither yellow head Zoro or Mina death stroke, I am Zina yellow death, and I will defeat you she shouted dashing at the beast. Just by seeing that I and mikasa knew that it was time to join the battle, "are you ready mikasa"..." hell yeah " she said with a smile. Then lets Gooooo, I shouted as we darted at monster the fear within us turned into rage, awakening the strength we needed. "Now take this dragon shockwave, and lightning eruption we punched with all are might digging are swords into the beast sending it to its knees. Meanwhile, fling though the sky was no other Zina sending a rain of blast at the beast, "I call upon the stars in the sky, lend me your power to defeat evil, take this Meteor explosion! It's not over yet, mikasa give me a boost, "you got it, lightning booster, she shouted punch the bottom of my heel, your mine take this! I swung my sword at the beast chest, suddenly everything seem to be going in slow motion as I watched my sword shader into pieces right before my eyes," it didn't even make a scratch I thought to myself. Lee watch out mikasa screamed as a huge hand grabbed me tightly," Hahaha Hahaha Punny Humans So Weak, "no way, impossible it can talk! I thought you were the beast slayer, Hahaha then slay me, it threw me into the air then smashing my body back down. You don't deserve that title boy, Lee get up mikasa yelled, sorry mikasa I can't move a muscle in my body. I screamed in agony. "Say goodbye boy," suddenly a red aura started forming inside the beast mouth. lee I'm coming, she screamed dashing for me with tears in her eyes, "mikasa I love you", I reached out my hand, then without any warning, a wave of red hot fire engulfed my body. Leeeeee Noooooooo
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