400 years ago there was a small village named Temonia named after the queen at the time. There lived good town folks that kept Temonia up and running, but temonia was no ordinary town. For years they lived in fear because of the monsters and dragons...
Hey guys help me get lee into bed, watch out for his head I don't want him to get more hurt than he already is. Mikasa calm down you know lee has been thought worst that this, it was just a kick to the head "and you say that like its nothing ying". Hey we just got back to camp and I just want everyone to calm down we will take up this matter when lee wakes up. "Mikasa, ying's right" lisa add in, too many things are happening all at once let's just calm down and lets"CELEBRATE" yang shouted out. Hey lava brain do you always cut in like that lisa yelled, hahaha sorry lisa yang replied, I was just thinking we just got back from a long and stressful mission so why don't we celebrate. Yeah, I guess you're right we have been working very hard so let's party! Now that's the spirit mikasa how about we kick this party off at the beach, yeah sounds good to me come on lisa lets get ready. Okay girls we will meet you there yang said blushing, "hey bro you alright" yeah, but bro don't you just want to see mikasa and lisa in bikinis haha yang you perv but that is something we got in common. Hey why you guys giggling like girls over there, "nothing just so happy to go to the beach " yeah well get going me and lisa will meet up with you guys see you there. It took me and lisa fifteen minutes to get ready, I know girls, and ten minutes to get to the beach. Somehow stepping out of the car and in into the soft sand took all my stress away looking across miles of blue sea. As I and lisa walked further onto the beach into a crowd of people everyone seemed to be distracted. Hey mikasa where's ying and yang "really lisa have a look around", omg that's so cool, all you could see was two surfers doing amazing impossible water tricks. That must be ying and yang, ying must be using his water power to control the waves , yeah and the crowd seems to be loving it,....look mom look....wow those guys are amazing..... I wish I could surf like those two...... mom I want to surf like that one day.... nothing can stop those guys. As me and lisa went up to the front to take a better look we shouted their names cheering them on,"hey boys looking good out there" as they turned to look in our direction both of their faces bright red, "Sooooo Sexyyyyy" ying pay attention where going to crash sorry man I can't look away AHHHHHHHH! All you could hear was ying and yang screaming like girls as a huge wave hovered over them"Where So Dead" knocking them into the air then falling head fist into the sand. The crowd when silent then burst out laughing slowly walking away, "hey guys you okay" me and lisa came running over giving them a hug"where okay now" there faces turned bright red blushing. O no mikasa "what" it looks like you have sunburn "I don't see anything" lisa added, luckily me and ying have sun cream is it okay if we put it on for you "yeah sure" how about we start from the front "boobs boobs boobs" no you don't lisa yelled punching their head in the sand, you perverts! hahaha sorry, we were just playing, "yeah sure you were, mikasa what do you think........ um, where's mikasa?" She was right here a second ago, there she is ying yelled, and she's in the water playing water sports with some hot girls, were coming mikasa ying and yang ran off, hey wait for me you pervs lisa screamed running after them. After hours of fun in the water and a little fight at the bar because the bartender said that we are too young to drink the sun started to set, as we all sat together watching the sun go down I felt two hands touch my shoulder. Slowly turning around I noticed it was lee, "hey guys whats going on" as I stood there in silence everyone rushed over to him patting him on the back and making jokes until it got to the point that I couldn't take it anymore. Hey do you think this is a joke you should be in bed right now you shouldn't be here lee, I yelled grabbing him by the shirt as tears went down my face making everyone go quite, "I came out here to stop worrying about you lee, now that was all for nothing. Mikasa, I'm sorry ...., no don't mikasa me you need to go home and......, suddenly before I could say another word he kissed me making me blush, "Mikasa you think too much" lee said with a smile putting his arm around me,"Now let's go home we don't want to keep captain red waiting"he said rubbing his cheek agents mine". Aww, that's cute lisa said watching me and lee walk towards camp, hey lisa we can't let you walk alone now can we, ying and yang said putting their arms around her. Aww, you guys are so sweet, she said kissing them both on the cheek making them blush, shortly after making our way back to base camp we all said our goodnights and went to our rooms. After taking a long shower, I was now ready for some sleep as I turned off the lights I couldn't stop thinking of today and what the future would bring until slipping away into a dream.
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