400 years ago there was a small village named Temonia named after the queen at the time. There lived good town folks that kept Temonia up and running, but temonia was no ordinary town. For years they lived in fear because of the monsters and dragons...
The plan was now set, now all we had to do was meet up with Chang to show us the way and it wasn't long until we found trouble. Two officers had discovered Chang's location and called reinforcements, then suddenly with a swift blow to the back of the neck the two offices went down in a hurry. Nice work lisa, now chang we don't have that much time until the reinforcements come now let's go "right follow me". Making our way through bushes, thick leaves, and branches in the darkness it took us three hours until we seen small lights ahead in the distance. We were finally there and every inch of the place was flooded with guard's, "okay let's do this" yang's fire united in his hand about to attack chang tackled him to the floor. "Trader" Mikasa shouted dashing at chang putting a sword at his throat " STOP please let me explain the place before us is only a trap they only want you to think that something important is over there the real laboratory is right underneath are feet. "Sorry I thought you were trying to turn us in,"mikasa said helping chang up from the floor "yeah I'm sorry to I should have warned you guys earlier". So how are we going to get under to the lab without getting caught " hey guys I think it's time to reveal my power" Lisa said, as her feet slowly raised from the floor shaking the ground. Then suddenly huge chunks of dirt started floating in the air, as lisa moved the dirt from one place to another forming a tunnel. "Wow amazing you can control gravity" yes I was just waiting for the right time to use it so let's get a move on "your right let's go team" jumping down in the tunnel arriving at the bottom in a maze of endless hallways. This is it chang said coming from behind me follow me I think it's this way, "what do you mean you think, lee I thought you said he new the way" he does but they changed up the place since he last came". After Running down hallway after hallway we finally reached the main door where all scientist were"okay guy's be very quiet we don't want to get their attention" Haaaaa Chewwww! Fuck yang didn't I tell you to be quiet " sorry I had to sneeze, suddenly guards came flooding out like ants investigating the area, lucky we could slip in the door unseen while they were distracted. Amazed to see a girl hooked up to wires and machines as we hid behind anything we could find I could only think of what chang told me was this girl mistaken as a man in Chang's story did she really hold the power of a god?
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