Chapter 1

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April 2013 Cardiff

"El, the bar opens in ten minutes" Kurt shouted "make sure the chairs are all on the ground" he is also the co-owner of the bar. Yes I own a bar.

I am Ellen Lawrence, I am a natural red head with hypnotic green eyes according to Kurt. I am average height and to be honest I have never fallen in love with any one, they turn out to be jerks in the end and not worth it. Well any way my life isn't that interesting except the special people that show up in this bar. The bar I own with Kurt is Bad Wolf Bar, Kurt came up with the idea. Kurt is my gay friend and I have known him since I was three so since we stayed close we opened a bar together thinking why not.

"Ya okay I will do that" I said as I began to take the chairs off the table. I wonder what loons will come on a monday night. From 5pm-3am I will be working. Good thing Kurt works tomorrow with the normal staff and then the next day I work.

Over time Kurt and I realized that if we switch off it is much easier to do, with help of other staff. But it is Monday the one day it is only Kurt and I, except when it is holiday's of course. When holidays come I work with Kurt because well he is my family, the only family I have.

"Two minutes to opening" I said looking at my watch, and got behind the bar so I can be ready to get drinks.

Kurt rushed from the upstairs and came down to unlock the doors.

"Show time" he said

"Yes it is" I said. I reached under the bar and grabbed a tv remote turning the tvs on one by one to the news, some to sports, and others to popular tv shows.

The first person to come in was a tough looking biker. Kurt leaned over and whispered in my ear

"Did you turn on the security cameras" I nodded yes.

"Okay well I will bust tables tonight and you will stay behind the bar" he said

"Ya I figured" I said before he walked over toward the kitchen in the back.

The 6'6 very muscular man sat down at the bar and just stared at me. I have gotten used to men coming in and just ordering a drink to talk to me, some have asked me out but of course I turned them down especially since I know some of them are married.

"I would like a beer, just surprise me" he said scratching is rubbing his bald head, I went over to the tab and poured him a beer, he seemed sad so I poured him a cheap one so he wouldn't be outraged at the price later.

"Here you go sir" I said and slid the beer to him, I love sliding the drinks along the bar it makes things fun. He had about five more and started getting a little tipsy, many others came in and out of the bar, mainly sitting at the tables so I had it easy so far tonight.

"Can you tell me, why" the tuff man slurred "why my wife would leave me" I looked at my wrists its only seven. Well time to get good tips.

"I don't know why your wife would leave you, but if you tell me maybe I can help" I said in a calm voice. To be honest why would someone pay for a therapist, a bartender and or barista we make a pretty good one.

"She said I am mean but I really am not" he bursted out into tears on the bar. Yes this happens a lot.

"If it makes you feel better I don't think you are mean, and I am sure lots of women would love to go out with you" I said and batted my eyelashes. He stopped crying and looked up at me and smiled he drank another beer paid for them all, left an amazing tip and left.

"Well becoming a therapist again" Kurt said coming up to me as I was whipping the bar down

"Yes and it pays off" I smiled "he seemed nice, tough, but nice"

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