Chapter 13

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By the time River and I made it back to Nurse's TARDIS it was midnight. When we walked through and went straight to mine, which is still on the beach. I like the whole being able to stay connected but I needed questions answered. Starting with why is the bar named 'Bad Wolf Bar'.

"So Doctor, are you going to take me on another adventure tonight" River spoke, why does my wife have to be so so breath taking mysterious, and amazing.

"Well tonight... Sadly no, we have a to investigate something tomorrow"

"Let me guess Bad Wolf Bar. And just saying you already know she is fine"

"Yes, I mean if that is the name. You know just as well as I do that something isn't right. UNIT, has tried to harness rift activity when it went wrong the rift opened. We fixed it, but what if not completely. What if it is still reaching out to other dimensions, slowly opening it from the other side"

"You just want Rose back"

"It was my fault... My fault that she got taken away" to much pain I loved her, now I have River. But I have to make things better "if I can see her one last time and just know that she turned out fine. I will be able to forget about it completely.. River." I took her hands in mine "if it was me, what would you do"

"I would do anything and everything to know you were alive and well. Do anything possible to make sure you are still you" she seemed to understand. But one thing I know is that she dies, she dies in two months. She will be gone, The Library is calling.

I guess a tear rolled down my eye because River whipped it away.

"Doctor, you haven't cried over Rose in a long time what else is wrong" she seemed so calm, yet her eyes showed her heart was breaking.

"Your future.... I. Can't tell you, but if I stop it... It will do more bad than good" I already saw Rose but more time with River the better.

"Doctor calm down.. Just stop crying, I love you Sweetie and nothing can ever change that. No matter what happens I will always be with you, because I will always find a way" she pulled me into a hug, I stopped crying and then kissed her.

"I love you too. Completely and 200% with both my hearts" she smiled and pulled me toward the bathroom, we took a shower and then went to bed.

In the morning I woke up and River wasn't in the room I walked to the control room and she was there flying my TARIDS.

"Before that Bad Wolf thing, lets get breakfast" she said and then the TARDIS landed her, when we walked outside we were in front of a little dinner in Cardiff, ten minutes away from the bar. So we went and had a nice little breakfast. After we walked toward UNIT headquarters.

I already told River I saw Rose, I guess if the rift activity is still active I can find someway to have more time with River.

As I entered the building many eyes turned to me, everyone had a confused look on their face.

"Get me your leader, and tell her that the Doctor is here for her"

Suddenly everyone pointed a gun at River and I, I looked to River and she was pointed a small blaster gun at them.

"No shots fired just get her" I yelled, all guns went away and the UNIT soldiers went to salute.

"Doctor what do I owe the pleasure" the commander said very sarcastically

"The rift, what have you been doing to it"

"Well for years now we have conducted experiments, but recently the rift has been silent"

"The rift can't just be silent" River spoke up

"Apparently it can"

"Show me your test because I guarantee you missed something" I ordered, she rolled her eyes and motioned for us to follow her.

We were now in a room full of computers with different signals. All were showing no signs of activity except one. Last time I was here it was years ago, and with Nurse. Oh yes this is not a good time to go to the bar.

"Well it is closed, that signal. Is saying that the rift is still active but stable, and just for the record it is not silent" I said and dragged River out.

"We have to go" I told River


"I have to bring you to a place"


"A lake"

"What lake"

"Lake silencio"

"I have already seen that"

"But you have to be there to take me here, I can't explain just trust me. When you see me tell me about Bad Wolf bar. I have already seen her, I know she is just fine. But she was still my friend"

"Doctor I understand. I will help, just know this mister. What year month and day should I show up in Cardiff"

"2013 May 11" I said

"We were just there" she seemed confused

"Yes which is why we had to leave, you will see me soon. I won't see you for a few weeks" I kissed her and set the TARDIS off.

When we landed I dropped her off with Canton Everett Delaware III.

"Hello Doctor, River" he said

"River here will be in your car. You must not tell anyone she is there, before you come in sight of the lake drop her off to hide" I spoke

"Okay" Canton nodded

"River you need to make sure you get my attention, after Amy, Rory, and you leave"

"I know my love" she kissed me lightly and got in the car with Canton. Once they were gone, I got back in my TARDIS.

'Time to go and find River... Before she goes to the library'

AN:I might not be able to update tomorrow.. Slowly this is almost caught up to what I am writing. I probably will still update though..

Also this is not going to be going on for much longer yes it is a short fan fic, and I have more stories I want to write. This was mainly to get my mind off of a story I have been stuck on. After this I am going to finish writing Running with Secrets and then I have a few more ideas that I really want to write.

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