Chapter 16

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'Ring ring' a phone rang. My eyes fluttered open and I picked it up

"Hello, this is your 9 am wake up call" I am guessing a receptionist is on the other line

"Thank you" I said, suddenly I remembered what happened. My eyes filled with tears

'El it will be okay' Buddy said

'What has happened to Jack'

'He is alive, and sadly I can't find him. I can't find him, but I know he is alive. You can not go anywhere, stay for a little bit'

I look at my clothes, clean enough. I turn on the tv in the room I am in.

"Hello, it is the first day of May. The weather is sort of gloomy but should clear up" the weather man said.

One month I have been gone.. It has been longer but yet one month for these people.

'Where are you' I asked Buddy

'I can't tell you. And for 10 days you will not contact me. Jus promise me you will be human for 10 days. If something happens I will contact you'

I walk out of the hotel and head toward the bar which isn't too far away. When I open the doors Kurt ran up and hugged me.

"Chika I have missed you" he said and then looked me up and down "ohh you are engaged now. Well tell me everything"

I told him how he asked me but I said we were in Fiji and changed it a little.

"Now where is he"

"Business trip, they called him the next day and he had to go. He flew me here and then he left"

"Okay well, I hate to say it but reality calls. You are working with me tonight" he said "plus it is a Monday anyway so you and I are working"

"Fun stuff" I smiled, boring. I know how to do it all, the only thing fun are the people.

'Buddy' I tried to reach out to him, no response. Fine I am alone for now.

The whole night was slow, not many people came in and then when night came I went up to my room and fell asleep.

May 11 =================

Through out the time, I haven't been eating much. And sleep is rare now, different theories of Jack have flipped through my mind driving me mad. It has now been heart breaking that Jack hasn't found me yet.. But I trust my TARDIS.

'Buddy' I reached out to him

'Sorry I had to ignore you, but if I talked to you I know you would've gotten me to let you go somewhere'

'Where are you' I asked

'I miniaturized myself, I am in your room'

'No I know everything in my room. You are not in here'

'Have you ever gotten to look into your closet, I am a shoe' I opened my closet drawer and saw him, a mixed matched shoe.

"Clever" I said out loud and put him on the floor, and I put him on to be funny.

'Thank you'

'So how long do you think it will take Jack to find me'

'Well I can't let you look for him sadly, because you and or him will cross your own past. Very bad'

'I know'

'Soon, well will be soon. Or or, umm... Soon'

'You are weird'

'Yes I know but I can see the close future and the far distant as well. Tenses are difficult'

'Sexy has problems with that two '

'I know'

'You talk'

'Yes, and she says they are coming. But you know how she is' suddenly a girl speared in my room

"How did you get in here" I shrieked

"I just showed up" the blond spoke

"Who are you"

"Rose Tyler, you"

"I am the. I am Ellen Lawrence" I said

"Well where am I" Rose asked

"Above Bad Wolf Bar, in my room" suddenly she bursted out laughing and disappeared.

I turned around and there was a guy

"Hello, umm I am John Smith. Did you see Rose come through" he asked

"Yes, she just appeared and disappeared" he is cute, with his brown hair and suit.

"Ya that is the rift, when the Doctor comes tell him that. It needs to be fixed" he said putting his hand through his hair.

"You know the Doctor" I said surprised

"Yes, and where the rift is opening he isn't far behind" he said and disappeared in front of my eyes. I let UNIT know in case anything else happens.

'Well three, two, one' Buddy said in my head and then at that second I heard a TARDIS noise.

'Sexy' I called out to her.

'Oh Nurse it is you. I don't know you yet well will know. I know you now' a

She informed me. I ran out side toward the noise, I am so glad Kurt had to go grocery shopping. As I swung the bar doors open I saw Jack leaning against the Doctor's TARDIS. I smiled so big and started heading toward him.

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