Chapter 12

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Waking up with El in my arms is probably my favorite thing, she just seems so peaceful sleeping. The only thing now is she wont age, I age. My time is ticking slowly but when will it become too much. How ever I don't want to think about that.

"I don't care what you think" El shouted

"What" I asked

"Buddy doesn't like you, apparently you are an anomaly and make him uncomfortable" El said

"Thanks Buddy" I spoke "I thought we were friends"

"Well anyway, Buddy I want to go see the Crespallion people and lets go meet the original smurfs" she giggled, I can't believe I survived without her.

"You mean the movie the Smurfs" I asked

"Yes, but the legend came from when they sent a video message to a a different planet and well was mailed to Earth, and the Smurfs were therefore created and is was a legend, then there was a genius who made them into a movie. So I want to meet them"

"Sounds interesting" I laughed. Well let's go meet the Crespallion" only El could make this entertaining.

We got out of bed and were in the control room. El flipped a few switches and then we landed shortly after.

We walked outside and the sight was stunning. Hovercrafts zoomed in the light purple sky, the Crespallion people walked on the ground and high above the planet on platforms with no sides to connect buildings. Which were funky in design, they looked as if they grew from the ground. And bent over in every which direction and the windows were huge irregular circles.

"The ground we are on is the same material as the buildings, these are the newer buildings and the 25 wonder of the universe. And yes it is afternoon, you can tell by the light purple sky" she smiled up,as we were about to start walking off the Doctor and Rove came out of El's TARDIS.

"See you guys late tonight" River smiled "he owes me a proper date"

"Okay bye" we wave as they walk off into the distance.

"Can we just leave them" I asked

"No we can not just leave them, lets go meet peps" she said and pulled me off toward a fountain.

It was normal except that the water was not water. Well it didn't look ,Iike water it was rainbow and no not because of the light or the color of the fountain. The water was literally rainbow.

"This is the fountain of peace, if someone has a disagreement with someone and they can't come to mutual turns. They both take a drink from the same cup of the fountain's water and it helps them see a better way to come to an agreement on both terms. This fountain prevented WWVII" El smiled

"Nurse! Nurse" a Silurian said running up to us.

"Vashty is that you" El shrieked

"Oh and who is this hunk" she winked at me.

"I am Captain Jack Harkness, El's boyfriend" I smiled

"Well can you share" she turned to El

"I am a one girl kind of guy but if El wouldn't mind for another to join tonight" I chucked "I am joking I only love El, you seem lovely but she is for me" I wrapped my arm around El's waist and pulled her close to me.

"Jack, you almost got yourself slapped" El snapped

"Sorry Nurse, you are only for me" I said and kissed her head.

"You will have to make it up to me" she said and broke out of my grip and walked into the crowd of different people and species.

I ran though the crowd and found her at a booth, I ran up and turned her around I hugged her and she pushed me away.

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