Chapter 7

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'Ah my time lady is back for me!!! Five years I have waited for you to return and you have aged! Still aging and showing, maybe you would like to become a full time lady again. To live with me and your love. However he still ages' my Tardis yelled in my head.

"Sorry, but I am here now" I said and stroked the controls.

"Someones missed you" he said and hugged me from behind

"Don't you mean someone and yes my Tardis has missed me" I laughed

"No I mean me and your machine have missed you" Jack said and then clutched his head in pain.

"Stop" I shouted at my Tardis

"Owe" Jack said releasing his head

"You know that a Tardis, time and relative dimension in space. He likes to be called Tardis or Buddy" I smiled at the humm he responded in 'I am a Ferrari compared to his Mini Cooper of a vortex manipulator' I laughed at that

"So you know what your options are" Jack asked

"Yes, to stay human with a strong connection to my Buddy. Or become a time lady again and not age" I said. Aging never bothered me at all.

"I don't age either" Jack said

"You are human though" I seemed puzzled

"Yes but the Time agency came up with this idea to make us choose our age, so I actually haven't aged in years" he said "it only slows it down by five years"

'You have been gone for five years' Buddy said

'But that is how long I have had the bar'

'Yes I know. I was still connected and gave people close to you false memories so when things got bad you would come back'

'I am back now. Why don't you take us somewhere'

'Okay' he said and flipped the switches and we moved through the rift. When we landed I opened the door to see 2013 Bad Wolf Bar, and my TARDIS disguised as a blue police box. I closed the door and went back inside. 'You got the disguise wrong' I said mentally to Buddy.

'No I am trying to get someone's attention' suddenly the Tardis shook fast.

"Hello I am the Doctor, requesting Tardis connection. Just push that big friendly button" he said popping up on the monitor. I pressed it and suddenly there was another passage out of the control room and in walked the Doctor and some woman.

"Hello I am El" I said waving "this is Jack and well this is my Tardis"

"I know who you are" Doctor said, "the last time I saw you, you were regenerating"

"Huh, but I don't know you" I said

"She didn't turn back did she" the woman spoke up "I am River by the way"

"No" Jack said

"If you become the Nurse again you will remember everything about your life, and still remember this life. However I must warn you about four things. One you will be in emotional pain, two you can never go back to your true home, three you can only return to this time rarely, and four you will hate me. Possibly forever" the Doctor said.

"I won't hate you, never could I hate someone I don't know" I said reassuringly

"I want to turn back" I said, as I said those words a helmet came down and the Doctor instructed me to put it on.

"Jack hold her hand" the Doctor said and he walked next to me "put the ring in the slot, the memories will come out"

"Will it hurt" I asked

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