Chapter 29

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"EL!!!EL El ELLE!!!" two voices screamed in my head in the morning. I had my bachelorette party last night and broke a record at a Scottish bar, the Black Knight or something like that. I mean it was quite simple I work at a bar and I am a time lady come on I can hold my liquor.

Then I heard my name again so I replied


'We received a message from Sexy. You have 1 hour to get everyone up get ready because Sexy should be getting there soon. So I did just that, went into the spare rooms and woke everyone up. River just knew exactly what to do and helped everyone with hair and makeup. Which might I add we all look stunning and we don't even have dresses. DRESSESS


"Don't worry it will all be fine" River said in a clam voice.

A few minutes later Sexy appeared

"Well this must be our limo" Martha spoke and Sexy hummed in response

"Where to" I asked her

'You will see' was my answer

Once we landed the doors wouldn't open.

"We can't get out" Martha said

'Go to the next room'

"We have to go to the next room it's what's she wants" I said and we all did that. Then we got closed in that room and I heard the guys.

"Doctor why did the TARDIS leave" Mickey asked

"To get the girls of course" Doctor said "we have to get dressed"

I am glad we can hear them

'They can't hear you though' Sexy said

"Where is my bride" Jack asked

"The TARDIS has them somewhere so they can't see us" Doctor replied, now stop saying things and just walk back outside now.

"Wow" was all I heard and when I heard their door close I could final open the door

"What now" Martha asked

'Pull the lever' Sexy said

So I walked over and pulled the blue lever and suddenly lights flowed around us as our clothing changed.

All of my bridesmaids were in a TARDIS blue dress and I was in a wedding dress. It was sleek and flowed at the bottom but wasn't like a traditional wedding dress that was huge at the bottom. Of course it was white but there was TARDIS blue and silver designs thst made the dress very unique and absolutely stunning.

"El you look.. Well gorgeous is the only word I can choose to say" Martha said

"I can say the same for you both" I looked at them

"Why thank you" River said in a flirtatious voice

"River will you walk me down the isle" I asked

"I believe you will enjoy who can walk you down the isle" River smiled "now Martha lets go, Bride count to 20 and then walk"

I didn't even question her and did as she said

'You will do fine, and the dress does look good on you. I must say I am cool' Sexy said and opened the door for me. As I stepped out I saw a projection of my father and instantly felt like I was going to cry, it was just the look he gave me and he had out his arm and I took it in mine but even though he wasn't there in his true self I know it is good enough.

I see Jack looking damn fine in his tux and his smile still melts my heart every time. As I make it to the alter I take Jack's hand and everything is perfect till I realize there is no priest. Then the TARDIS trees glow and we all hear their voices in our head as they lead the ceremony. I think of how amazing it is that they survived this long, but all around is regeneration energy which they probably have been using to till they are old enough to care for themselves.

"Do you take Jack Harkness to be your husband" though all the TARDIS's were speaking I could hear Buddy the most.

"I do" I said

"And do you Jack take Elle Lawrence of Gallifrey to be your wife"

"I do" he spoke

The rings were given to us by a TARDIS as a gift and were amazing and then we kissed.

"I present to you Jack Lawrence Harkness of Gallifrey and Elle Lawrence Harkness Lady of Gallifrey" Buddy spoke and a tear rolled down my cheek as I saw his glowing essence slowly fading out.

And then I felt a jolt to my chest as my hearts began to pick up, and a force pulling me toward it.

'Go El follow it' Junior said

So I did. And all my friends, and my husband followed me knowing something was calling me. But I was not sure what that was. Though I sure intend to find out what.

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