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I tip toe into the kitchen and open the fridge. I don't want to wake up Shawn but I need to be to work in 10 minutes. I need coffee and breakfast. I pull the coffee out and a mug. A loud crash of thunder echoes waking Shawn up. "Good morning." Shawn smiles sitting up.
"Hey. hi." I smile.
"I'm gonna go use the bathroom." He walks away. I grab my cereal out and pour a bowl. "Thank you." Shawn grins taking my coffee. I feel my stomach drop as his green eyes flash up at me. Oh shit. I have a crush on Shawn Spencer.
"That was mine." I pull another mug down.
"Can I have this?" He grabs a banana.
"Be my guess." I lean on the counter and watch him sip my coffee. I glance at the clock behind him while ankther ban of thunder rumbles the apartment. "I gotta go. Do you need a ride to your place?" I ask putting my bowl in the sink.
"No.. I'll walk." Shawn says.
"Spencer.. It's a mad house out there." "I'll ride the bus that's how I got here." "Okay." I walk to my room and pull my zip up hoodie out. "Here."
"Aw lassie." Spencer smiles.
"Lock it up when you leave. If I find out you went through my stuff I'm going to shoot you."
"I will finish my banana and leave." I open the door and leave. This weather is perfect for cuddling and romantic things. Now I have to run out to my car then run into the station. This sucks. Of course I'm soaked when I walk in to get work but so is everybody else. They're all shivering slightly and drinking coffee. "Unfortunately we're all stuck here they just closed most roads." Juliet says walking up to me.
"Ah shit." I groan. I pull my phone out ad a text appears on the screen.
I'm sorry but it looks like I'm stuck at your place today. Do you mind if I sleep in your bed? -SS
Don't. You. Dare. -CL
I can find your deepest darkest secrets here lassie.. What your underwear looks like where you hide all eight guns.. Your sex toys -SS
I blush even though I have none. Unless handcuffs count. But my deepest darkest secrets are me liking Shawn which nobody will ever know about, my underwear well.. They're all pretty similar. A pastel color I have purple, blue, brown, black, red I think also a red? And my guns.. Ha good luck.
I'll have to shoot you :) -CL
;) I'll be looking forward to it.
I roll my eyes hoping to god this weather ends so he can get home and I can arrest a scum bag to take my thoughts off him.

Shassie Again.. SorryWhere stories live. Discover now