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It is midnight. Go home.. Knock knock knock . I can't believe in doing this.. He's probably asleep anyway. "Hi" I breath looking at his sleeply face.
"Lassie... W-whatcha doin?"
"I.. I have no idea. I felt bad I blew you off."
"So you come over at-" he looks into his apartment. "Midnight?"
"I'm sorry I can go." I step back.
"Come in here." Shawn pulls me in with a slight smile. "Have you eaten?"
"Yeah I stole a sandwhich from Mcnab shh don't tell him."
"I won't if you promise not to tell my dad I did this" he pushes his lips to mine.
"My lips are sealed." I pull him closer.
"Do you solve the case?"
"I did not." I frown.
"You're stressed."
"How can you tell?" He puts his finger to his temple. "Stop!" I laugh.
"Do you wanna... Stay the night?"
"I'd love too."
"I'll even let you sleep in the bed with me but these have to go away?" He tugs on my pants.
"Will do." He grand my hand and brings me to the bedroom.
"You can just throw those anywhere." He watches me pull my pants off and tie. I crawl into the small bed next to him and kiss his lips. "You're really cute" he smiles.
"Detectives aren't cute. We are killing machines. Who will put you in jail."
"You're cute and you can't change that. Boop" he touches my nose.
"Don't boop me"
"I'll boop you if I want to boop you."
"Your bed is small." I whisper.
"I know." He whispers back.
I wake up and have to think for a minute where I am. Shawn isn't in bed with me which makes me a little upset. "Good morning." Shawn bites his lip as I walk out in only boxers and my button up shirt.
"Good morning." I smile walking up to him.
"You look hot." Shawn pulls me into a kiss. "Wow your breath though." He pulls away.
"Sorry." I yawn and stretch. He thrusts a cup of coffee in my hand.
"I made breakfast." He flips a pancake.
"Pancakes." He nods with a grin.
"I haven't had pancakes in years."
"Well detective it looks like its your lucky day." I hear my phone ring so I run to get it.
"Lassiter" I answer.
"Hey we need you down here." Juliet says.
"I'm sorta busy O'Hara."
"Lassie do you want butter or peanut butter?"
"Are you with shawn?" She gasps.
"No." I grown.
"You so are! Wait... Its.. 7 in the morning?" The smoke detector goes off.
"Shit Shit." Shawn curses.
"Youre at his house?"
"I'm going to go. I'll be there in an hour." I hang up annoyed. "So juliet is onto us."
"Well..." He sways biting his finger nail. "Would it be such a bad thing if she knew?"
"Are you suggesting we come out?"
"I am?.."
"Well Gus does know and he doesn't mind. Other then he thinks its a horrible idea."
"Yes I think we should tell her."

Shassie Again.. SorryWhere stories live. Discover now