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"I'm sorry Gus ruined our staycastion." Shawn says as we walk in the station holding hands.
"You've already apologized for that, babe."
"I feel so bad though."
"Shawn. It's fine."I growl.
"Are you okay?" He asks as I sit down with a loud huff.
"I have a lot of paperwork I need to do."
"Hey calm down." Shawn says rubbing my cheek with his thumb
"I can't! Ok can you just go!" I shout. He steps back startled.
"I was-"
"Shawn please." I grit my teeth.
"Ok..I love you.. Lassie." That settled me down a bit but I'm still so mad. Yeah a little because I was looking forward to last weekend. Just shawn and I alone in his apartment but guster ruined it. I spent Saturday by myself at my apartment. Then I walk into work today and dopsen gives me a stack of papers to do by tomorrow. I look up and see shawn talking to O'Hara. I can't help but feel guilty. All he was trying to do was calm me down but no. I have to be a huge dick. I can't feel bad now. I have to get these done. I pick the papers up and go into conference room C to drown out the station. I shut the blinds and door and sit down.
"Ok Carlton.. You can do this." I get about three done before juliet stomps in. "What?!" I lean back in my chair annoyed.
"You hurt Shawn's feelings."
"That's not my problem right now, O'Hara." I sit back up and continue writing.
"Yes it is! Carlton, he is your boyfriend its your job to make him feel good. It's your job to cheer him up and tell him he looks good when he looks like shit."
"I don't have time to mess around with anybody today. So shut the door on your way out."
"I thought you really cared for him, lassiter. I guess you fooled us both." She hisses and leaves. I so want to get up and yell at her for saying that. I love shawn more than I've ever loved anybody how dare she say that? I groan and continue the paperwork.
I look up at the clock and see its midnight. Everybody has most likely left. I want to finish this last file go home and call spencer. Hopefully he'll be there. He broke in and fell asleep on the couch. That's all I want right now. I park my car and walk inside.
"Oh Mr. Lassiter." Mrs. West says, she works the desk at night. "A brunette boy went up to your place around 10pm."
"Did he come back down?" I ask
"I'm not sure. I don't recall seeing him again." A slight slime tugs on my lips. I open the door to my place and see it empty.. Like aways. I set my holister and jacket down and go into my bedroom to a note on my pillow.
I stayed until midnight..
I look over st my digital clock and see it says 1:30. I crumble the note and throw it across the room.

Shassie Again.. SorryWhere stories live. Discover now