Chapter Two

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The last few weeks had been pretty good, we had all become pretty good friends with All Time Low and with The Maine, although Alex seemed to be keeping his distance. Especially from me.

He would talk to the others but only mumble a quick hello to me then hurriedly walk away. I was sure he didn't like me. There wasn't much I could do. If he didn't like me; he didn't like me.

That was why I wasn't going to any of All Time Low's tour bus parties, I didn't want to cause trouble, but that night, Jordan dragged me to one.

I really didn't want to go, partying wasn't my thing, I hated alcohol, I hated the crappy music and most of all I hated drunk people. That's why I didn't drink.

But, I was there, sat as far away from everyone as possible, with a cup of water in my hand. My weight shifted as I felt someone sit next to me. I didn't want to look up, I didn't want to face someone who was drunk. Especially not Jack, from what I've heard he's a bit crazy.

'You're not drinking?' A male voice tried to overpower the loud bass beats of some pop song that was overplayed time and time again.

'No.' I said, looking up to see Alex sat next to me. This was a suprise. Why would he be sat next to me? He didn't like me.

'I don't drink much either, I've had a cup, and I'm not drinking anymore.' He laughed, 'well, yet, I might drink some more after everyone's passed out.'

'Being loud and rowdy to make sure everyone else has a hangover?' I giggled back at him.

'Of course!' He smiled. It was nice to see him smile and it made me smile too. His smile still looked pained, so I asked him what was up.

Alex looked to the ground and sighed, 'It's Lisa... I just... I just feel like she keeps playing me. All the time. But I can't end it with her. I love her but something just doesn't feel right at the moment.'

'Have you talked to her?' I asked, trying to help him out.

'Yes, but she won't listen, she says it's me being paranoid. That's why I was on the phone to her before we first met.' Alex sighed heavily again.

'Oh, I see... Have you talked to her since?'

'Yeah, but she feels distant, like she's on another planet... I think she's cheating on me.' His eyes glazed over, he obviously was in love with this girl and she was playing him like a fool.

'Come here.' I didn't really know what else to say, so I pulled him into a hug, and he hugged back, clearly desperate for human contact. He really needed that hug because he seemed to brighten up afterwards.

We talked for another half an hour before most people were passed out.

'Would you like to join me?' Alex asked. Normally, I would have said no, but there was this gleam in his eyes that I didn't want to destroy. I wanted him to be happy. So I drank with him.

The bitter taste of the alcohol made me feel sick and I knew I was going to regret this in the morning, but I carried on.

One by one the drinks went down and the more I could feel myself letting go. The more I could feel myself getting dizzy. The more I could feel myself getting closer to Alex.

Closer than I ever thought I could get. It was harmless, wasn't it?


A/N: Thanks to those who are reading this :) Sorry if its so short this chapter... I hope you liked it anyway COMMENT, VOTE, FAN please :)


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