Chapter One

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'Tay!!' Someone shouted. I turned over in my bed. Why did they have to call for me?

'Tay! Hurry up! We're going on tour!'


Quickly, I got changed into a pair of skinny jeans and a shirt. Not bothering to do my hair or shower, I stuck a beanie on and hoped no one would notice.

How could I forget about today? It was the day my band started tour with All Time Low. All Time Low had been one of my favourite bands for a while now and I didn't believe it when we got signed to the same label as them, nevermind when our manager burst into our band meeting 20 minutes late yelling 'YOU'RE GOING ON TOUR WITH ALL TIME LOW!' He was excited. I was excited. We all were excited.

To play live was our favourite thing about being in a band. It was amazing. The crowds were always good to us, excluding a few incidents, but this was my dream. It had always been my dream. I wanted to be in a band, touring the world. And that's what I have.

I'm so grateful for getting signed to Hopeless Records. For my ability to sing. For the fans. It was everything I'd ever hoped for and more.

'Earth to Tay?' Jordan snapped his fingers at me. I shook out of my daydream and grabbed my suitcase, throwing it into the bus storage.

All of us climbed into the bus, one by one, claiming a bunk. I got the bottom bunk because I'm "small" so I "can't reach". Those weren't my words, they were Cameron's.

I suppose I should introduce the band then. I'm in a band called We Are The In Crowd and I'm the lead singer. Jordan sings too and plays guitar. Cameron plays guitar, Mike plays bass and Rob hits things with sticks. He plays drums. We play music together and have for a long time, even before the band started. It was amazing that we had got this chance to make the big time.All Time Low were huge! Especially for us, a little band from Poughkeepsie, New York. This was amazing.

After about an half an hour drive, we pulled up next to another bus, which I assumed was All Time Low's, and got out. There they were. I was trying not to embarrass myself within the first ten minutes.

'Guys, come meet the guys you're touring with. The Maine should be here soon, but uh, We Are The In Crowd, meet All Time Low.' Matt, All Time Low's tour manager said, trying to get us past the awkwardness of meeting for the first time.

'Hey, I'm Jack!' The boy with dark hair beamed at me.

'Hi, I'm Tay.' I smiled back holding out my hand. He didn't take it, instead he pulled me into a hug. It was a bit sudden but I accepted it and hugged back.

The five of us talked to the three members we had met. Their lead singer was on the bus, on the phone to his girlfriend apparently.

Suddenly, I heard the bus door open, and snapped my head around. A boy, of about 6 foot, stepped out of it, his pink and brown hair being blown by the wind.

'Alex! Dude!' Rian, the shortest (and baldest) ran up to Alex, who quietly said something to him.

They both walked up to us, perfectly in sync. This Alex boy took my breath away.

Tay. Shut up! He has a girlfriend.

He looked at me with troubled eyes, and I gave him a sympathetic look. 'I'm Tay.' I smiled at him, unsure.

'Alex.' He gave a weak smile back and shook my hand quickly. The contact was weird... He must have felt it too, judging by the way he snapped his hand back. It just felt like it was meant to be.

I realised I probably was staring, so smiled then moved over to meet The Maine, who had just pulled up in their van.


A/N: I hope you like the first chapter, it's my first time writing a Taylex fanfic. Anyway, comment what you think :)

I'm updating this when it gets 25 reads, so COMMENT, VOTE, & FAN! and I will love you forever :)


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