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My heart was in my throat. I was so nervous.

In the mirror was a beautiful woman, her hair curled perfectly, the makeup she had on complimented her white wedding dress, and I couldn't believe this was happening.

It was two years since Alex had pushed through the queue at LAX and swept me off my feet. Today was the day I'd been waiting for for a year and a half. I was getting married to him.

The sudden realisation made my heart skip a beat, I was so nervous that I felt sick.

My manicured fingers traced up and down the lace sleeves I had, feeling the softness of the fabric, as I tried to calm my nerves. I pulled up my dress so that I could slip my delicate shoes on. They were beautiful. I smiled at their beauty while I walked around, my dress still hitched up a little so that I could see it.

The veil I had chosen was at the other side of the room, but I wasn't ready to put it on yet. I needed to sit down.

Just as I did, my mother walked in.

'Oh, Tay! You look beautiful!' She gasped.

I smiled up at her, too nervous to talk.

You'd think that because I was so used to getting up on stage performing in front of at least 1000 people a night, that I wouldn't be nervous saying 'I do' in front of 100 of our closest family and friends. But I was so scared.

What if I got this wrong? What if Alex changes his mind? What if this? What if that?

Just, 'what if?'

'Sweetheart, are you alright?' My mother asked.

'Yeah, I'm just a little nervous that's all.'

'When you see Alex, all that will go away, trust me.' She smiled, reminiscing, 'I know from experience... If only your father was here to see this!'

My mother started sobbing, and I was close aswell. But I held it back. I didn't want to cry on my wedding day. At least out of sadness.

She put the veil on me and smiled. She had been waiting for this all her life. The girl who said she would never fall in love, getting married to the only man who could ever have made her fall.

I linked my mother as we walked to the car, getting in, and setting off for the church.

Alex and I decided we were going to do it properly. In a church, with our closest friends, and a 'drink til you pass out' party. The last part was Jack's idea apparently, because he wants to get 'turnt up', although I think Alex wanted the party just as much as Jack did.

The nerves and the excitement were catching up with me. It was nearer the time where I would leave behind Miss. Taylor Jardine and become Mrs. Taylor Gaskarth.

For me that was a weird prospect, but I liked the sound of it.

We pulled up to the church in Baltimore and my mother helped me out.

The music started playing, and I froze.

'Tay, come on. Remember what I said? You will feel better when you see Alex.'

I sighed and took another deep breath before linking my mother and walking down the aisle, all eyes on me.

People smiling, people crying, people clapping. It was a cascade of emotions.

Then I saw him at the alter, he had yet to turn around. Jack, who was his best man, whispered in his ear.

Everything went in slow motion. I slowly looked up. He cautiously looked around. The fear, the nerves, the anxiousness, left me with nothing but the warmth of love within my heart.

Alex smiled, his eyes on me, not leaving mine. He looked so happy, so in love, so handsome. It made my heart swell. His beautiful eyes filling with tears, but he blinked them away, making sure nobody saw them but me.

When I got there, I pulled the veil up and he whispered, 'You look stunning, Miss. Jardine.'

'Not so bad yourself, Mr. Gaskarth.' I mocked his tone.

And that was that. He was mine. And I was his.


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