Chapter Nine

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I had finally managed to get Jordan on his own so that I could talk to him about Alex. All I wanted him to tell me was that I wasn't in love with Alex and it was just a stupid crush that I had on him.

'Jordan, um, can I talk to you about something?' I asked awkwardly.

'Yeah, sure.' He smiled at me, sensing my feelings about the subject I was wanting to discuss with him.

We sat down on opposite bunks and he began.

'So, um, you wanted to talk?'

'Yeah, what's it like to be in love?'

'That's a strange question, but um, I guess it's different for different people.'

'Oh, right... What's it like for you?'

'I don't really know, I guess I get butterflies and I can't get them out of my mind. Also everything reminds me of them. Why?'

Suddenly, everything I had been experiencing made sense, even if the butterflies were only subtle, it was enough. It may have been a tiny spark, but it was enough to light a fire.

I must have zoned out as Jordan was snapping his fingers in front of my face.

'Tay?' He must have repeated for the sixth time before I answered.


'Why did you want to know?' He asked, curiosity overtaking him.

'I was just wondering, you know, because I've never been in love.'

'And you came to me for advice? I am terrible with women.' Jordan laughed.

'I thought everyone else would laugh at me...'

He pulled me into a hug, and held me an arms length away before saying, 'Tay, fall in love when YOU'RE ready, not when someone tells you that you should be.'

'Thanks Jordan, you really helped.'

I smiled before starting to walk down the narrow hallway if the bus.

'Go get your man, Tay.'

'How do you know it's a man?' I laughed, playing around.

'I'm sure Gaskarth is a guy.'

My eyes pierced his and he must have gathered by the expression on my face that I was confused. Mainly by how he knew and how he said it so casually.

'It's obvious Tay.'

'Shit... Really?' I sighed at my lack of tact.

'Really.' Jordan laughed.

A sigh passed my lips again before I walked out of the bus and into the heat of Warped Tour.

I was almost running to go see You Me At Six play, I hadn't managed to listen to them yet, even though I'd been on this tour so long, we always managed to clash with them.

Suddenly, my arm was grabbed by a familiar hand and shock waves bolted through my body. I could already tell who it was, but I looked around anyway.

There he was, Alex Gaskarth, staring intently into my eyes.

'Tay, can we talk?'

'Um, sure.'

I didn't know how to feel about this. Questions were running through my head faster than the speed of sound. What did he want talk about? Oh, God, was it the kiss? Maybe he wants to be friends again?

We were moving fast to some empty buses, so I knew this had to be private and serious.

'Tay, do you remember that party on our bus, during the Dirty Work tour?'

I nodded, wondering where he was going with this.

He continued, 'Well, you probably remember I kissed you, I just wanted to say sorry for what I said afterwards. It did mean something. It's just when I remembered about Lisa I panicked. You made me forget all about my troubles, you kind of make me feel better, you know. I thought about it over that week and I broke up with Lisa a few days before Warped. I was just wondering if you would like to maybe go out sometime? I know it's a lot of information to take in but-'

'I'd love to.' I interrupted his rambling.

'Oh okay, thanks.' He smiled awkwardly.

Alex started to lean in, and I moved too, it felt like everything was in slow motion.

Our lips were just about to touch when Cameron shouted over to us, running as fast as he could over to where we were standing, pulling us into a hug (that was practically a headlock.)

'I haven't seen you guys all day!! How have you been?' He exclaimed, obviously not knowing what was going on.

'Alright, you?' Alex sighed, looking slightly agitated.

Finally, Alex and I were left alone and I laughed, 'We don't call him Cock-Block Hurley for nothing.'

Alex had to sit down because he was laughing so hard. Was it really that funny?

I didn't think it was.

It was true though.

Never Felt Right Calling This Just Friends (Taylex)Where stories live. Discover now