Chapter Six

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It had been two weeks since the end of the Dirty Work tour, and I was feeling a lot better. Everything seemed to make more sense to me, and I was almost back to being myself. Alex was, although not a distant memory, at the back of my mind, and I enjoyed that fact.

Today was the day of our first band meeting since the tour had finished, which only meant one thing. We were going on another tour. It wouldn't be about the album, that was getting released in October, so there was plenty of time for that. I could feel it in my bones. We were leaving for another tour again. This one would be longer.

Jordan was sat opposite me, making faces, trying to get me to laugh before our manager stormed in.

'Guys! You're all here! Even Tay!' He laughed, mocking the fact that I am usually late for band meetings. I wouldn't be if they were more fun than sitting around a table discussing the next tour. As much as I love touring, it was boring planning it.

'So, you guys will be glad to know that you have just been offered a slot on.... Warped Tour!'

Looking round the room, all of our eyes were widened with shock and with happiness, this was great, for the band, and for us. We could hang out with the fans and it would be pretty awesome. Not to mention that Warped was one of the biggest tours for bands out there. It would be HUGE! We could even meet some of the bands we've looked up to!

'And here's the set list. All of the bands you will be sharing the tour with are on this sheet of paper!'

I didn't get a very good look at the paper because Mike was hogging it, but I saw a few band names that I recognised. You Me At Six, I'd heard of them. The Maine! We were pretty cool with them. Then I saw All Time Low.

It wasn't like I would have to talk to him, I could continue on as normal, like nothing at happened. I'm sure he'd be thankful for that, although he probably knows that he stammed out the flame that was burning in my heart just as it was starting to ignite.

Not that it mattered.

'Tay, you okay?' Cameron asked. I nodded, realising that I had probably spaced out. What Alex did to me was insane. I couldn't even hear his band name without thinking about that boy. And it was crazy. It didn't mean anything. But his name sent my head into a frenzy. Like it was spinning, and he was at the wheel.

I couldn't quite grasp why. No other boy had made me feel this way. Maybe it was the way we left it that cause this to happen. I wasn't sure, but I knew one thing. At Warped Tour, I was keeping out of his way unless it was absolutely necessary.

Never Felt Right Calling This Just Friends (Taylex)Where stories live. Discover now