Chapter Five

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At some point after my meltdown, I must have fallen asleep, as I woke up curled in a ball and hugging my pillow, to the sound of the boys getting into the bus.

'Taylor?' I heard one of them, which I assumed to be Mike, yelling.

'I'm in my bunk.' I said, weakly but loud enough for them to hear. The shuffling of feet got louder, and I closed my eyes tight, knowing that they were going to open the curtain and I was going to be blinded by the lights outside the bunk.

I heard a ripping sound of velcro and the colour went from black to red. My eyes fluttered open slowly, making sure not to blind myself in the process. It still hurt, but I could handle it a little more. My head was pounding and by the looks on the guys' faces, I wasn't in very good shape.

'Man, Tay, you look like crap.' Jordan stated.

'Thanks, Jord, I feel like it too, and your comment didn't make me feel any better.' I sighed, rolling out of the bunk, and walking into the tightly packed kitchen area, grabbing some Fruit Loops out of the packet and eating them dry. Today was not the day I wanted to talk. I wanted to go home. We were home, we were in New York, but I wasn't home yet. There was still the last party left. I obviously wasn't going, I was going to get my mom to come pick me up so the chances of seeing Alex were as slim as possible.

'You okay?' Jordan asked after the rest of the bus had cleared out.

'I'm fine.' I said as convincingly as possible, I knew he could see through me but he accepted it and left, sighing as he did so.

Up until the show, I was feeling fine, Alex was as far away from my mind as possible, mainly because I was talking to the fans. We had gained a lot of fans and I loved getting to talk to them. One thing about our band that was different to a lot of other bands was that we make time for our fans. A lot of other bands don't do that, especially without charging them lots of money. I've heard that some bands are charging $80 just to meet them, and others charging as much as $980. There's no way kids can afford that. If we do have to charge for a meet and greet we keep it low, other than that we spend most of our time meeting fans outside of the venues, which I much prefer as it's much less formal.

The show went off without a hitch, and I managed to stay out of Alex's way as much as I could. I walked past him once, but I kept my head down. He stopped as if he was going to say something, but he didn't. He continued and walked to the stage.

An apology would be nice. But clearly, I wasn't going to get one. I was just a problem in Alex's otherwise perfect life. It appears he has sorted everything out with Lisa, especially when I saw them after the show, eating each others faces. I would be lying if I said it didn't shatter my heart into pieces. But then again, I'd also be lying if I didn't say I was happy for her. She may not know it, but she got the boy. And I got nothing except a broken heart, and a new song to sing.

We were just about to start recording our new album, which was currently untitled. But I had a good idea what it was going to be named. I had the best intentions.


See what I did there with the Best Intentions thing?? xD

Anyway, I hope you're enjoying this :D COMMENT, VOTE and FAN please!

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