Chapter Fifteen

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I pulled Alex into a hug before we got into the car.

'Whatever you do, make the right decision for you, okay? No one else. Not for me. Not for Lisa. For you.' I smiled.

Alex didn't say a word, he just nodded to me, with no expression. He seemed deep in thought, and although I wanted to know why, I decided not to press on.

There was no point anyway, I couldn't change his mind.

The journey to the airport was awkward, we didn't talk much and when we did it was one word answers. He was way too deep in thought to even bothered giving me a full sentence, so it must be important. Alex was probably thinking about space again. I'd often hear him get his laptop out and read about space in the middle of the night. It was strange but, whatever made the boy happy.

I walked Alex to the main entrance., hugging him tightly before saying goodbye.

'Love you.' He said as he waved. I noticed how he removed the 'I', forever friend zoning me into oblivion. My heart sank a little as I thought that.

'I love you too.' I smiled. Not realising what I'd said.

Slowly I walked back to my car, which was, unfortunately placed as far away from the entrance as possible. I was an idiot. Believing that Alex would stay with me. But at least he'll be sort of happy with Lisa.

I was about another two minutes walk away from my car when I thought I heard someone shout my name. I shrugged it off, I wasn't in the mood to talk to a fan. As much as I loved the fans, now was not the time.

'Taylor Jardine!! I love you too!!' My whole body snapped round, and about three feet away was a panting Alex, who had clearly ran all the way to catch up with me.

'What?' I asked, shocked.

'I- I love you too.' He smiled as he slowed down, pulling me in by the waist and kissing me softly.

'I-I- I don't know what to say.'

'Say you'll go on a date with me?'

'Yes!!' I almost yelled, smiling, and pulling him into a tight hug.

What happened had left me breathless. My heart was beating at a hundred miles an hour and my stomach filled with butterflies.

'It never felt right calling this just friends.' Alex sighed as his planted another kiss on my lips.

Never Felt Right Calling This Just Friends (Taylex)Where stories live. Discover now