Chapter Eight

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I had been on Warped Tour for three weeks now, and it had been two since the incident with Alex. I'd been seeing him around more and more, and it was like I couldn't get rid of him. Like he was always there.

Alex was everywhere I looked, and I could see different traits of him in everyone I met. Some of the fans, some of the bands... Even my own bandmates.

The only interaction Alex and I had had was a few hello's here and there, not much, and I noticed how we both avoided each others touch.

But, yet, I saw him more and more, it was like fate was pulling us together, like it was our destiny to get to know each other. Or maybe something more. I didn't know, but I couldn't help feeling like I was falling for him. I didn't want to fall for him.

As far as I knew, he was still with Lisa and I couldn't ruin that for him. He seemed to love that girl and I knew he would hate me if I stepped in and said something.

Anyway, I couldn't be falling for Alex. He was nice and all, but I couldn't. It was out of line. He was my idol, the reason I wanted to be in a band. I'd never had a crush on him before I met him, and I'd never been in love before. I'd met people and dated a few, but I didn't really love any of them. I had started to think I wasn't put on this Earth to be in love. I was put on this Earth to make a difference.

That had all changed since I met him.

I didn't want to fall in love. Falling in love sounded painful. It sounded like I was going to break something if I did it. And I had a feeling that was going to be my heart.

I didn't know how I was going to do it, but I was going to get rid of these feelings for Alex. Get rid of them all. I didn't know how but I had to try.

For the sake of the band.

For the sake of Alex's heart.

For the sake of mine.

I still hadn't managed to talk to Jordan about how I was feeling, but I knew at some point I would I have to, I really needed to decide what I was going to do.

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