Chapter Thirteen

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I was back home after Warped tour, and it was peaceful. There was nothing that I could think of but me, at least for a week until I went to see my parents. They were giving me that time to settle back in.

My first round of groceries had been bought and I had placed them neatly away when I saw my phone had a missed call from Alex.

Why wouldn't he call me?

We were still friends after all. But there was something about this call that felt strange. Not only had I got a voicemail but he had called me at 7am. Alex was never awake at that time, and if he was, he was busy researching the universe. Far too busy to text me never mind call and leave a voicemail.

I listened, overcome with worry. His voice sounded rough, like he hadn't slept for days, and he kept choking on his words, a clear indicator that he was sobbing his little heart out.

Much to my mind's disappointment, my heart took over and I called back. I mean we were just two friends. Just friends.

There clearly wasn't anything there anymore. On his part anyway. Or on my part... I guess.

'Hello?' A male voice cracked through the speakers.

'Hi, Alex, it's Tay, you called me?'

'Did you get my voicemail?'

'Of course, you sounded worried, are you okay?'

'I broke up with Lisa and I need somewhere to stay for a while... Two months max.'

'You can stay at mine. Although I'm in LA recording at the moment, but you can come to my apartment there, you probably don't want to be alone...'

'Oh thank you so much!! I'll be in LA tomorrow!!' I could hear him smiling down the phone.

'Alex-' the line was dead and I sighed, hanging up too. How was he going to get a ticket in such short notice? Was that even possible?

Clearly it is when you're Alexander William Gaskarth, as exactly 20 hours later Alex called me again, asking for a lift.

I sighed, yet again, and rolled out of my warm bed, falling onto the floor, before tiredly, although quickly, pulling yesterday's clothes on. My hair looked a mess in the wing mirror so I swiftly ran my fingers through it and got into the car.

The airport was packed, even at 4am, but eventually filtered out a little. I was looking for, most likely, a beanie. All the way down to LAX, I was thinking about Alex, maybe this was fate's way of saying we were meant to be. He was probably too blind to see that, but I knew deep in my heart, although at that point in my life I would have denied it, that Alex and I would have made a perfect couple, the fans even shipped us, calling is 'Taylex'. It made me feel giddy just thinking about it, but, Alex and I were a thing of the past, never to be repeated, right?

My mind trailed off and I was interrupted by fingers clicking in my face.

'Oh sorry! I'm tired ok...' I half laughed, half sighed.

'Its okay, are we going to yours or?' Alex smiled half a smile.

The drive back was silent, except for the faint music coming from Alex's headphones.

We walked into my house and before I knew what was happening, Alex pulled me into a hug, and started sobbing into my shoulder. I could feel the fire burning within my heart being reignited and electricity surging through my body, but now was not the time to fall in love. Now was the time to console a broken-hearted man. Console the man who broke my heart.

You may think I'm a little crazy, maybe even a bit insane, but I had to help him. I was wrong about there being nothing there. There still was. And by the way Alex clung onto me as he cried his heart out, there was still something there within him too.

'Tay, I'm so sorry for all the trouble I've caused you. You're so nice to me.' He choked out, through the sobs and the sniffiling.

I shushed him, 'It's okay', I soothed.

'But I want to know one thing,' I pushed forward anxiously, 'why did you argue?'

'Because I told her about us. What happened at Warped Tour. I told her it didn't mean anything.'

I was hurt. Here we are, back again, at the fact I meant 'nothing'. It was as if the events that had occured previously were foreshadowing this very moment.

'Oh.' Was all I could stomach.

He smiled, sympathetically at me, 'I'm sorry, I didn't mean that, it did meant something, I just didn't want her to get her panties in a twist, clearly that didn't work.'

I smiled weakly at him before saying in a small voice, 'Why do you keep getting back with her Alex?'

'She's obsessive, and won't leave me alone until I agree to what she wants. She accuses me of cheating, even when I've been with her all day. But I can't leave her. I love her... Right?'

'That's for you to decide, Alex, not me.' I smiled, hesitant, 'Why don't you go and get some rest? The spare bedroom is the third door on the left.'

He dawdled out of the lounge and dragged his suitcase all the way down the hall.

Alex had a lot to think about.

Never Felt Right Calling This Just Friends (Taylex)Where stories live. Discover now