Chapter Seven

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Warped had been going well so far. We were a week in and things were going smoothly, if not too smoothly. I tried not to let that cross my mind, I didn't want to jinx anything. Once again, Alex was in the back of my mind, and I was starting to feel fine.

I'd seen him a few times, I even went to see them play, but I haven't spoken to him, I don't think I could have handled speaking to him. But here I was, walking to my bus, trying to tie my hair up into a ponytail while I walked (which is a very hard thing to do). It was hot. I thought I was going to get burnt to death if I stayed outside any longer.

My skin was already stinging from the sun, and I gathered that I was going to burn if I didn't get inside. I looked down to tighten my ponytail, then walked into something exceedingly warm.

'Oh! Sorry!' I exclaimed with shock as I looked up,

Damn it.

Alex looked back at me, and smiled, sending shivers down my spine.

'It's okay. It's good to see you again.'

'It is. How have you been?' I asked him, trying to be casual. He was drunk, maybe he wouldn't remember it?

'Pretty good. How about you?'

'I've been amazing!' I lied, attempting to show him I didn't want him. I didn't need him to make me feel happy. I could do that myself.

'Awesome! Well, it's been nice speaking to you, I've got to go, but see you around.' He smiled, pulling me into a hug.

When we touched, it felt like the kiss, like lightening shooting through my veins and fireworks shooting through my brain. It was like magic, and I felt myself start to fall once again.

I snapped back, not wanting to do so, and smiled at him, walking away, trying not to look awkward. He must have felt it too, because he stood there, his arms still out in complete awe.

'Something isn't right.' I thought, 'That doesn't happen with normal people. It only happens in movies and in books... It can't happen in real life.'

Maybe this wasn't real life, maybe this was all a dream.

I stepped into the bus and went to my bunk. I laid there for 10 minutes trying to cool myself off. There was something about him. He was handsome, he was mysterious, he was... he was Alex Gaskarth.

I couldn't quite figure out what it was. I mean, I couldn't love him, could I? I mean, I didn't really know him. I'd never really been in love so I wouldn't really know how it felt... I wasn't really experienced in that topic, I'd have to talk to someone about it, and I know who, someone who had been with a lot of people, someone who I know had been in love.

Jordan. I was going to have to admit everything that happened to Jordan, I just didn't know when I was going to do it. I'd have to plan how I was going to talk to him about this, after all he was my best friend.

If this was being in love; man, it sucked.

Never Felt Right Calling This Just Friends (Taylex)Where stories live. Discover now