Chapter Eleven

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A few days later, I was walking around the buses, it wasn't as hot so I didn't feel like I was dying of heat exhaustion.
I hadn't talked to (or even seen) Alex since we may or may not have slept together, but I thought I should give it a few days. Today was the day I was going to sort everything out.

Eventually, I found All Time Low's tour bus, and knocked. I was expecting a member of the band to answer but Vinny opened it instead.

'Um, hi, is Alex in?'

I felt like a teenager knocking on one of their friends houses and the parents open the door.

'Yeah, but he won't speak to anyone and only goes outside for the shows.'
That explains why I hadn't seen him at all, but why would he be acting like that.

'Thats why I came to see him, I haven't seen him around at all the past few days, do you mind if I come in and try to talk to him.' I asked.

'Sure, but I doubt he'd talk, the only person he is talking to is Jack.' Vinny sighed as he moved so I could get past.
I looked around the living area and he was nowhere to be seen.

'You sure he's in here?'

'Check the bunks!' Vinny yelled from the back lounge.

I walked through a little further and saw only one of the bunks had the curtains pulled shut.

'Um, Alex?' I asked to what could just be an empty bunk.

I heard a sigh and the sound of rolling. That douchebag had turned his back on me.
'Alex don't turn your back-'

'What? Like you did?' He interrupted me. He was right, I did turn my back on him.

'I understand that you're angry but I need to talk to you.' I tried to reason with him.

'Fuck off.'

'Alex...' I sighed, tears forming. He'd never talked to me like that before.

'I hate you Tay, go away.' I heard him mumble.

'Fine. I'll leave.' I choked out.

'Bye. You suck, and I never want to talk to you again.' He said, barely audible, it sounded like he was holding back tears.

'Bye, Alex, I love you.' I sobbed as I began to walk out of the bus.

'Wait!' I heard someone yell just as I was about to step out, I was pulled into a hug.

'I love you too.'

His lips collided with mine and I could feel the stubble on his face. He clearly hadn't even attempted to shave for the past few days. That made me feel bad.
He was sad and angry all because of me.

'I thought you'd left me!' He smiled after we pulled away.

'I didn't, I was just scared we did something we were going to regret! I didn't want to ruin your life.'

'The only way you could ruin my life would be by telling me you didn't want me.'

'I thought you hated me.' I sobbed into his chest.

'No, I don't, I said that because I was angry, and I don't see why I was angry, I should have found you instead of you having to come find me.'

'Oh, Alex!' I hugged him tighter, feeling warm in his embrace.

I didn't know if this meant we were now a couple, it definitely wasn't official.

Never Felt Right Calling This Just Friends (Taylex)Where stories live. Discover now