Chapter Ten

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My eyes fluttered open and I shifted my weight. The pounding in my head hit me and it felt like I was drunk once again. I came to the conclusion that I must have partied hard last night, which I suppose was a good thing. I did need to take my mind off of the encounter I had had with Alex earlier that morning, however, I don't think getting wasted was the way I planned it. He made me feel giddy and excited, I guess I was trying to calm my nerves.

Suddenly, something didn't fit right. This wasn't my bunk, where was the picture of my band stood outside of Cinderella's castle in Disneyland. Again, I moved, and I could feel the covers against my skin, did I have clothes on? Quickly, I took a peek.

No. No I did not.

My head turned slowly and cautiously to the left, and I let out a gasp. No. I did not.

Alex turned over in that moment, and I panicked, grabbing my underwear and pulling it on under the covers, before racing out of the bunk and finding my clothes that were scattered all around the bus. I yanked them on as quick as I could, although that meant being very loud, and saw Jack walk out of the bunk area into the living space, where I was stood, one leg in my jeans, the other out.

'Alex, I thought I told you to stop waking up so early, it's --- Tay?' Jack said, still sleepy.

'Jack, it's all a dream, go back to your bunk.' I whispered.

'Oh, okay.'

He dawdled off back into his bunk. Sleepy Jack was kind of adorable.

Again, I started pulling my clothes on, making sure to be quieter this time. Luckily, no one was woken up, and I managed to get off the bus.

Now, the problem was finding mine. It was 5 am, so we had been in Vinoy Park where Warped was in Tampa, Florida, for a little over an hour, it should be around the same place as All Time Low's... Aha! I found it, the big yellow bus that Cameron insisted we had was two spaces down. Thank God we got the yellow bus.

I climbed in, and ran to my bunk. I felt like such a tramp. I had just slept with Alex... We weren't even together. He'd just broken up with Lisa.

Maybe he wouldn't remember it?

Gosh, I couldn't even remember what exactly happened, I needed to ask the guys, they'd tell me what they knew, if they knew anything at all.

They would all be asleep now, except for Rob, who woke up at the most stupid hours of the morning. Hopefully he'd be awake.

'Rob!!' I whisper-shouted. His messy bed head popped out of his bunk.

'What?' He sighed.

'What happened last night, I can't remember?' I asked, hopefully he would know.

'Oh, well you were drinking pretty hard, which is unlike you, and then you said you were tired. Alex said you could sleep in his bunk, but he didn't have any shirts he could let you borrow, so you'd have to sleep in your underwear. And that's the last time I saw you last night.'

'Oh, okay, just cause I woke up naked next to Alex this morning.' I admitted.

'Maybe you slept naked? Did Alex have any clothes on?'

'I didn't check.'

'As long as you were safe if you did.'

I was on the pill so there was a very slim chance that I was pregnant. I highly doubted I was though.

'Maybe we just slept naked together...'

'Yeah, maybe, go to sleep, Tay, and talk to Alex in the morning.'

I nodded closing the curtain of my bunk, fastening the Velcro and closing my eyes. It was quarter past 5, I might as well only nap.

Never Felt Right Calling This Just Friends (Taylex)Where stories live. Discover now