1. Diamond in the Rough

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Emma Swan: Emma is a college student attending Drogheda Institution of Further Education, in Ireland, to become a writer. Emma was born in Boston on October 21, 1997. She has been an orphan her entire life, and has never had a real family. She came from a crappy environment and hasn't had a stable relationship for more than a week. But that was all about to change when she decided to attend a certain college in a small town on the east coast of Ireland.

Emma's POV

I drive down the narrow streets of Drogheda. Passing small buildings and watching pedestrians walk by. Drogheda is like a gem in a rock. You have to dig to the center to find the jewel inside.

Drogheda is a little town in between Dublin and Belfast. Its 30,000 inhabitants making it quite a larger city, but unknown to other countries. Like me. I had never even heard of it until I started looking for colleges. I wasn't even sure I was going to get in, but my some miracle I did, and even then I had no idea how I was going to pay for it, but I saved up all my money since I was fifteen to get a plane ticket over here, and for the collage itself: dorms, classes, and even a uniform which you have to pay for yourself, which doesn't make much sense to me.

I look out the front window as I drive through the small Irish town. People beaming as they walk by with smiles on their faces, couples holding their children's hands as they swing them, teens walking with their friends. It brings a smile to my face, but also reminds me of how lonely I really am. Hopefully, maybe, that will change.

I pull up to Drogheda Institution of Further Education. I get out and walk in to the front desk. "Hi," I say shyly.

"Hi, lass, how may I help you?" A woman with blue eyes and dyed blonde hair asks.

"Well, I was just getting the key for my dorm."

"What's you name?"

"Emma Swan."

"Ah, yes, Miss. Swan. Have you been informed that you will be sharing a dorm?" She asks.

"No, I wasn't. But it's fine. I don't mind sharing."

"Alright." She hands me a key card. "Dorm 108." She says with a small smile.

"Thank you." I smile and take the key card. I grab my stuff out of my car and walk to the dorms. I walk into the lobby and go to the elevator. I only have one bag so its not hard to get around. I push the button for the fourth floor.

I make it to the top and walk down the hall 'till I find room 108. I sigh and take a deep breath before I slide the key card in and open the door. I see a man standing with his back towards me, facing a neatly made bed in nothing but a towel wrapped around his waist. He turns around and jumps. I turn my head. "I am so sorry." I say. He runs off into what I assume is the bathroom. My cheeks turn bright red in embarrassment. 'Way to make a first impression, Emma' I mentally slap myself. I stay in the same spot, just looking around the neat room. It has white walls with one painted black. It has shelves lining the entire black wall, with music, movies, and records. It has a record player in the corner and a boom box. In the opposite corner is has a key board, drum set, guitar, and a microphone. Above the bed it has old singers such as: Elvis, The Beatles, Rolling Stones, and Guns And Roses. The bed has a black and dark blue comforter with matching pillows.

On my side of the room is completely bare, except for a bed and a few shelves.

The man comes back out of the bathroom with his clothes on. "I'm really sorry about that!" I blush. He looks at me. He has raven black hair, and ocean blue eyes.

"It's alright, love." He scratches behind his ear. He has a thick Irish accent. "Well, that's one way to meet your new roommate." He chuckles. He sticks out his hand. "Killian Jones."

"Emma Swan." I say shyly.

"Nice to meet you, Emma." He smiles. He has a beautiful smile.

"I'm still really sorry."

"Hey, forget about it." He smiles. "Make yourself at home, considering it is your home." He laughs at his own joke. I grab my bag and set it on my new bed. "That's it?" He sits next to it.

"Yeah, I don't exactly have a whole lot." I mumble. I sit on the opposite side that he's sitting on. I unpack my clothes and few of my possessions. I place them on the shelves and put my clothes into a small dresser. I take my notebook and write for a little bit before he starts talking again..

"So..." he sits in front of me. "What do you like to do?" He asks crossing his legs. I continue writing. When I write I seem to drown all other noises out. "Emma?" He asks. "Hello?" He waves his hand in front of my face.

"Huh? What?" I look up from my notebook.

"I was asking what you like to do." He chuckles.

"Oh, well, I like to write and read." I close the book and put the lock back on it.

"I'm guessing you're here for the writing program." He smirks.

"You guessed it." I smile. "And just by a hunch, I'm guessing you're here for the music program." I smirk.

"You guessed it." He scratches behind his ear. "How'd you know?" He asks, pretending to be dumb.

"I have no clue. just came to me I guess." I laugh and play along.

"Well, classes start in three weeks, so maybe I could show you around?" He asks nervously.

"Sure." I smile.

"Great." He stands up and walks to his bed. "Oh, Emma," he stops and turns around.

"Yeah?" I look up at him.

"Welcome to Drogheda."

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