68. Heart Drug

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Emma's POV

Today Killian goes into open heart surgery. This surgery will open the clot in his artery. At this point, I think I'm more nervous than he is.

"Swan," his voice snaps me from my thoughts.

"Huh? Sorry," I look up at him.

"I'm going to be fine, okay?" He sits up with a grunt and kisses my forehead.

"I know, I'm just scared." Tears cloud my vision.

"I know," he gives me a comforting smile. His family watches us from their chairs.

"It's open-heart surgery, it's not a small thing." I say. Nurses walk in to prep him. I start to freak out. "Oh, no, no, no, no," I hold my head. Killian turns his attention back to me as my panic attack starts. He grabs me bringing me into his arms.

"Shh," he holds me. "Can you give us some space, please?" He says to the nurses crowding us. They back out of the room, leaving us alone with his family.

"Is she okay?" Liam asks.

"It's just a panic attack, she has them quite often." He cradles my head. I bury my face in his shoulder, and wrap my arms around his waist, almost squeezing the life out of him.

"You alright, love?" He says softly. I nod into him and finally calm my breathing. I nod. "Are you sure, because I'm going to call the nurses back in now?" He says sweetly. I nod again. He presses the button and there come back in.

They prep him for surgery. we move to the I.C.U. I take his hand as the put his I.V. in. They give him the drugs to knock him out. They roll him to the operating room. "I love you, Emma." He says as he disappears behind doors.


I pace the lobby for hours, waiting to see how it went. Frustration builds in me, as I continue my relentless pace. "Emma, if you don't stop pacing, you're going to wear a groove into the floor." Liam says. I don't stop. He just shakes his head.

Soon enough, the doors open and they wheel out a unconscious Killian. Evie, Brennan, Liam, and Ruby, all stand up and follow me to his doctor. "How did it go?" Brennan asks.

"The surgery was successful and it left no major damage on his heart." She smiles. I let out a breath of relief. "His chest is going to be very sore for the next few days, so no hugging or even coming in vicinity to his chest, in case you might accidentally hit it. Make sure he stays down and don't let him move much." She says. "We're going to have him on a lot of pain medication, so if he starts saying weird or silly things, it's because of that."

"Thank you." Brennan says, shaking her hand.

"My pleasure. I'll check in on him when he wakes up." She smiles and walks away. I run into his room and see a very tired looking Killian, even though he's unconscious. I gently take his hand and kiss his knuckles. His family enters and takes their seats, waiting for him to wake up.

A few hours later I hear a groan. I look up and am met with his ocean blue eyes. "Hey, how are you feeling?" I stand up and stroke his cheek. The rest of his family stands up and comes but by my side. He looks around lazily. He tries to talk but closes his mouth. "Does it hurt?" I ask. He nods and closes his eyes. "Liam, could you get the doctor?" He nods and leaves. "Do you need anything?" He painfully pulls his arm up, setting his hand on my neck, and guiding my lips to his. Soon enough I'm engulfed in the lips of the person who loves me.

I don't want to let go but I do. " I need you." Killian whispers horsefully in my ear. I smile and peck his lips once more. He lays back down with a painful grunt.

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