60. I.C.U.

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Emma's POV

I wake in the middle of the night to a sharp pain in my stomach. I groan and try to ignore it. It happens again. I sit up and hold my stomach. I breath heavily, hoping it will go away.

"Please don't take my baby, please don't take my baby." I repeat.


I scream in pain.

"Killian!" I scream for him. Footsteps rush down the stairs.

"Emma, what's wrong!?" He runs to me.

"Something's wrong." I cry. "I can't feel the baby." I hold his arm. His eyes bore into mine, fear taking over every part of us.


I scream, as my nails dig into his arm. "Do something!" I scream at him. He sweeps me into his arms and runs down to his car. He puts me in the passengers side and lays the seat back so I can lay down. He dashes for the drivers side and gets in.

I hold my stomach as he dives way over the limit. My vision goes in and out because of the pain. I hear him on the phone.

"Something's wrong with Emma. I'm taking her to the hospital." He says frantically into the phone.

"Killian," I mumble in pain.

"Hold on, love." He takes my hand. "Almost there." His voice is panicked. He quickly pulls into the parking lot and gets out. He again, picks me up and runs into the hospital. "Help! please!" Nurses run to us. He sets me down on a gurney. My hearing is muffled and vision blurry, but I make out his face, then everything goes black.

Killian's POV

She passes out at the nurses move her into a separate room. "Is there anything we need to know about the patient? Allergies? Past illnesses?" A nurse asks me.

"Uh, um," I stutter in shock of everything that is happening. "She had influenza, no allergies."

"Anything else?" She asks quickly.

"She's pregnant."

"How far along is she?" I stand there in shock. "Sir! How far along?" She demands.

"Six weeks." My voice cracks. She runs back into the room where they took her.

"Killian!" I hear someone yell. I don't move, like my body is in shock. "Killian," the voice gets closer. "Brother." I look over my shoulder and see Liam running to me with the rest of my family not far behind. "What happened? Is she okay?" He asks with worry in his voice.

"I don't know." I back against the wall to keep from collapsing.

"Killian," my mother says. "What happened?"

"I don't know, she just woke up screaming in pain."

"What about the baby?" Ruby asks.

"What baby?" My mother asks.

"Emma is pregnant?" My father asks.

"Aye," I cover my face with my hands. "I was going to tell you."

"Don't worry about it, son." He puts his hand on my shoulder. David and Mary Margaret run in.

"Friends and family of Emma Swan?"

Emma's POV

I start to stir from a bright light. I open my eyes, as they start to adjust. "Killian," I mumble.

"I'm right here, love." He takes my hand and brings it to his lips. He looks at me with tears stinging his eyes.

"Is the baby okay?" I ask. Tears fall down his cheeks." Killian?" I sit up.

"You lost the baby." He chokes. I start to panic. My breathing increases as I place my hand over my stomach.

"No, no, no, no." I repeat.

"I'm so sorry, Emma." He cries and sits at my knees. My breathing hitches as I gasp for air. "Emma, you need to calm down." He puts his hands to my arms.

"I... can't." Tears roll down my cheeks. He pulls me into his arms. I finally catch my breath and cry uncontrollably into his shoulder. "Please, no." I beg. "Not my baby." I whimper.

He keeps me too him, letting me soak his shirt in my tears. "I'm so sorry." He says, cupping my head. He lays me down and sits in the chair next to my bed. He sits close to me and strokes my hair as I lay in shock.

"What did I do?" I whimper.

"Emma," he says sympathetically. "You didn't do this, love. Don't blame yourself." He says seriously but gently.

"Then why did we lose our baby?" I cry.

"I don't know." He continues to stroke my hair.

"Emma," I hear from the door. I don't turn around. "Are you okay?" 'How could they say that? Of course, I'm not okay.'

Killian shakes his head as I stare out into the abbis. "Of course, I'm not okay, I just lost my baby." I say with anger.

"Maybe it was for the better." Mary Margaret says. Killian's face changes to pure anger. He gets up and drags her out.

Killian's POV

I drag Mary Margaret out of the room by her arm. "Let go of me." She hits my hand.

"You think you're helping Emma?" I almost yell at her. "We just lost our child! And you say it's for the better!" Steam burns off of me.

"Emma's not ready for that, and you aren't the fatherly type." She says coldly.

"You don't know a bloody thing." I say. "If you were really Emma's friend, then you would be in that room comforting her, not saying that our dead child is for the better." I leave her standing in the hallway. I walk back in Emma's room and see her silently crying with Ruby by her side. I sit by her and kiss her forehead.

"Emma, talk to us." She says sweetly.

"I don't want to talk to you." She turns around, facing me, and buries her face in her pillow. "I don't want to talk to anyone." She mumbles. I usher everyone out and close the door. I sit back down and place my hand on her back. She turns and looks at me. "I want to try again." She begs. I look at her sympathetically.


"Please, I want this." She takes my hand.

"We'll talk about it." I kiss her forehead. "Just give it some time."

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